Sunday, March 31, 2019
An Ethnographic Study of Well- being of Dinka Refugee Women
An Ethnographic psychoanalyse of Well- being of Dinka Refugee WomenQualitative CritiqueArticle genius Well-being of Dinka Refugee Women of Southern SudanSalima ShamsIntroduction This paper would critique qualitative word title Well- Being of Dinka Refugee Women of Southern Sudan (Baird Boyle, 2012). Primary author of the schooling Baird is professionally an ARNP/CNS (Advance Registered Nurse Pr sueer/ Clinical Nurse Specialist), and also CTN Certified transcultural Nurse. Second investigator is also a nurse and has done miles per hour following her RN and both of the investigators had owned PhD degree. The major strength of the schooling is that searchers acquire evaluated cultural themes in their flying field of the cultural sharing group. harmonize to (Le Compte, Millroy, Preissle, 1992 cited by Creswell 2007) themes may include such(prenominal) topics as enculturation, socialization, learning, cognition, domination, inequality, or minor and adult development (p.71). Mo reover, they call for interconnected these themes with participant welfargon therefore, it has held my engagement into it. Moreover, language of the oblige is easy to follow. The major area of improvement is that at many instances, I opinion name lacks clarity and factual accuracy.The difficulty Research problem seems significant to nursing as it is concern with singles (refugee) health and well- being. Moreover, significance of the problem to nursing has also been mentioned by inquiryers. Authors consider mentioned try participants, and write up questions. Purpose of the correction is also stated by the authors solely they harbourt mentioned key memorise variable well-being in it (Polit Beck, 2012). Problem statement of the get word has been progressively developed finished bring out (problem identification/ introduction, Background, scope and consequences of the problem, knowledge gap, and proposed solution). The values of relegate ponder were stated all th e government agency that is it will help in improving current nursing bores offered to refugee women ( literary works critique section, para. 6). Authors harbort mentioned any limitations of their study in the article. General assumptions of the abstractive framework have been utilize in the current study. Moreover, philosophical assumptions of qualitative and ethnographic research can good be viewed in the article (Polit Beck, 2012). However, at few instances I have to infer such as whether phenomena has been viewed holistically or not.Review of the Literature Literature has been comprehensively reviewed, synthesized well and logically presented by the researchers. The authors have summarized studies that address phenomena of well-being in refugee women. However, it would have been better, if march on empirical literature specific to African refugee women would have been added. Authors have determine knowledge gap in the literature (Literature Review section, para.6). Moreover, majority of literature shared out in the article was paraphrased and taken from primary sources. With that, majority of literature in literature review section except one, is recent that is inwardly 10 years time when current study would have been started. notional work has also been include by researcher in the article. However, theoretical work should have been further expanded for example, conceptual definition of well-being should have been added. Additionally, another question could also be generated from literature review, such as, evaluation of the study participants social factors (Literature Review section, Para. 5) that hinder in refugee women move and on their well-being. a priori/ Conceptual Framework Middle range surmisal of transitions has been employ as a theoretical guide for the current study (refer to appendix A and B) just now no conceptual framework has been illustrated in the article. Qualitative studies utilize framework to create boundaries f or the study, and framework helps in literature review, selective information appeal, analysis and presentation of findings (Ryan, Coughian, Cronin, 2007). Though, framework has not been adequately utilized and described by authors in their research. For example, they have not integrated configuration and properties mentioned in the physical model in their study. Moreover, they have only talked about three type of transition in present study (developmental, situational and health- illness) but have not talked about organizational transition in present study. Justification has been provided for the use of specific theoretical framework Three types of various(prenominal) transitions. as well as after their settlement (Baird Boyle, 2012, pp.15-16). Furthermore, it is evident from the research article that the framework has guided researcher in identification of study population, main themes for selective information analysis and presentation of findings (Ryan, Coughian, Cronin, 2007).Population and Sampling Authors have clearly defined target population refugee women . asylum to the United States (Purpose of study section, p.14). Although it is one of the qualitative study design (ethnography) in which researcher describes and interprets shared and learned patterns of values, behaviors, belief and language of culture sharing group (Creswell, 2007, p. 68) and take is not the generalizability but to fully identify the pattern. So, adequate entropy collection is an important factor, in present study there were 10 study participants. According to Creswell (2007) An ethnographer is interested in examining theses shared patterns and the unit of analysis is large than the 20 or so individuals (p.68). To maintain variability of the sample, subjects with diverse characteristics were included in the study (Refer sample section). Yet, researchers havent encountered any interdict case and they have also not described participant option criteria. The mode of con sume for the (subject) selection was through church, and by snowball. Following it purposive sampling for subject selection has been done and it is aligned with qualitative study design. Purposive sampling method provides opportunity for theoretical sampling. Theoretical sampling means selecting subjects who represent the important characteristics that researchers consider of interest to the study (Pidgeon Henwood, 1996) or intentionally adding of outliers case in the study (Barbour, 2001). However, sampling method for the setting has not been described and majority of interview took place at participants homes and observations at church.Research Design Ethnography study design has been used in the study. Study Design seems appropriate in regard to habit of study as it is looking at behavior modifications/ value geological fault in study participants and interpreting these modifications in relation to participants own culture. Webster mental lexicon define behavior as anything that an organism does involving action or the way in which something functions or operates. These behavioral (function) modifications have occurred in study participants because of the commove in their value system and individual learn values through their family/ society culture, socialization and through cognitive advancement. In nutshell, if we infrastand individual behavior, then we ultimately understand individual culture. Additionally, study is also set off intra- family and intra- community issue of power, resistance and dominance. However, I feel that questions that have been theorize are not according to study design. They are more providing judgement for phenomological research. Authors have describe participant characteristics and the context of study hence, study is transferable/ replicable (Konradsen, Kirkevold, Olson, 2013).Data Collection Interview, observations, field notes have used as a information collection strategy. Researcher have mentioned that the dat a collection methods are in accordance with ethnographic research (Baird Boyle, Method section, 2012, p. 16) however, havent rationale the use of selected method. Interview method of data collection seems appropriate in relation to study question as study aimed at understanding experience of resettlement of refugee women. However, if other method (artifacts) of ethnographic data collection has been added, then it would have further enriched the data (Creswell, 2007, p.120).Protection of man Rights Authors have taken permission from University institutional review board. It is mentioned in the article that the participants were approached through church congregation and by snow ball sampling technique. Therefore, it indicates that people might had come forward and participated voluntarily into it. Although the researchers havent overtly said informed consent was taken but they have mentioned that approval has been taken from the board, it implies that informed consent would have be en taken place. Study doesnt appear to be a case of deception. It is not mentioned in the article the time at which individual participant consent would have taken place but site agreement was obtained prior to review board approval. Since the sample size is small therefore, one can easily identify participant who is divorced or USA citizenship holder. Maximum benefit to participant has been maintained by researcher through participatory action research (PAR) project. Moreover, time provided for the study was compensated with money.Analysis Researchers have broadly explained method of data analysis which gives impression that editing style of data analysis have been used (Polit Beck, 2004). Nevertheless, they should have provided details of raw data so that theoretical connectedness of data to themes could have been evaluated (Burns and Grove, 2001). Method of data analysis fit with level of inquiry, but since middle range possible action of transition was used as a framework. Th erefore, they should have used deductive approach for content/ data analysis following editing style of data analysis. Authors have in-cooperated participant words to support themes but havent inco-operated field notes along with participants transcriptions. However, at few instances explanation provided under the themes titled standing on our own two legs and Hope for the approaching is not coherent with its title. For example, several of them identified role models on telecasting.woman (Baird Boyle, Finding section, 2012, p. 18).Rigor The data collection methods are reliable and verifiable as interpreter and audiotaped have been utilized. Moreover, time al office for interview was appropriate, longitudinal, with the time interval of 2-5 month apart. However, adequate details of the interview questions (structured/ unstructured) have not been provided. It has been mentioned in the article that reliability was established through consensual validation with an experienced qualit ative researcher. Moreover, validation of analysis is also done by study participants and primary interpreter. There is no notification of discrepant result in the article. Very scarcely researchers have present (etic) perspective in the article. Moreover, researchers havent shared their reflexivity in the article.Conclusion and recommendation only three themes that have emerged at the end of data analysis were discussed in finding section in relation to study questions. Conclusion that has been presented in the article is stated as refugee women as strong, resilient, and capable of being accountable for their own and health and well-being and this is justifiable to the findings of the study. The recommendation for nursing practice includes providing culturally competent interventions to promote health and well-being of refugee women and for future research studies authors have suggested to evaluate the phenomena in voluntary immigrants or undocumented workers. Recommendation for nursing practice is supported by the study results. I feel that transferability of the findings in Pakistani setting greatly depends on the geographical location because there is high inter and intra province variations in women status passim the country.Appendix ARetrieved from, http// BRetrieved from http//
Pectinase Production Techniques
Pectinase mathematical product TechniquesPECTINASE PRODUCTIONABSTRACTPectin is found naturally in many plants. Pectinase enzyme has top executive to break down pectin. Pectinase takings has varying important needs industrially. hence the merchandise of pectin is important. Pectinase mathematical product has developed with the sustain of elementtic engineering and raw hears. Production of alkalescent pectinase is more important industrially than the convention pectinase. footPectin is structural heteropolysaccharide having esterification to galacturonic superman 1. It forms a-1, 4 glycosidic bonds with arabinose, galactose, rhamnose and xylose 1. It is found in higher plants in the primary cell wall containing unalike written visible of lignin, cellulose and hemicelluloses and proteins of microfibril that are cross linked which forms the hard tissue structure public figure 1.Pectinase is breaking down of pectin substances by enzymes 1. It can be divided into differen t types like pectin esterases, pectin hydrolases, protopectinase and pectin lyases 1. It can alike be divided into alkaline and sulphurous pectinase 1. Pectin production has become industrially important because of its variety of applications like paper devising, lineage of natural products, textile de mutterming, juice chicken oution and clarification and so on 1. Pectin is observed in plants in middle lamella and primary cell wall. Pectin has a characteristic of gelation which can be divided into high and depressive disorder methoxy gelation. In 1825 scientist Henri Braconnot first isolated pectin.PECTINASE PRODUCTION USINGGENETIC planThe generation of alkaline pectinase through genetic engineering takes pip as fol bases. The first step is the chromosomal DNA separation from a breed use for producing alkaline pectinase, primer designing, and use of PCR to obtain target gene recombinant plasmid construction, Bacillus Subtilis as means of expression, gene sequence measurin g stick and comparative analysis 2, 7, and 8. By using this method the enzyme natural process of the engineered bacteria in the fermentation politic increased 22 successions compared to normal starting strain and the yield achieved was 330U/ml 2. afterwards optimizing various shade bods, the enzymatic activity of genetically engineered bacteria is 758.7825U/ml which is 50 times come apart than using original strain from Luria Bertani fermented media 8.NOVEL STRAINsometimes micro-organisms strain having unique characteristic are utilise for pectinase production for utmost growth example Aspergillus niger give rise to novel cutting pectinase PEC 2 1. Consider the strain Penicillium verruculosum TS63-9 have a gene sequence ITSrRNA which makes it useful in production 3. During fermentation crude enzyme liquid is obtained which is then applicable for production of tobacco 3.In another drive novel strain like Paenibacillus is used for the production of alkaline pectinase 4. The production takes trust in such a way that paenibacillus SJN-PL0602 is first inoculated in the fermentation broth to get initial system of which OD 600 is 0.05 -0.15 4. The main fermentation shake cultivation takes wander in two material body in first at 30 -370C for 8 -12 hrs and in irregular phase at 22 260 C for 36- 40 hrs 4. Red alga or brown red algae were used for the production of immoderate pectinase as clearing agents for wine and juices, sometimes revolutionarypectinase are also extracted from seaweed or waste liquor discharged from seaweed 6.Bacillus subtilis was used for alkaline pectinase production in paper making industry 7. Pichia pastoris GS115 is also used for alkaline production 9. Bacillus cereus is used for industrial production of pectinase 10.UNIQUE PROTEINFor the production of alkaline pectinase a protein Pel N having unique amino acid sequence was used 5. This protein has enzyme activity of 4590 4950 U/mg for degrading polygalacturonic acid, has bet ter heat stability and heat preservation of 120 min at 450C gives 90% of relative heat stability 5. The optimum temperature is 650 C and p H value of 9.8 5.ULTRA PECTINASEThe production of ultra pectinase was done in order to replace pectinase and it is nonbiological 6. Since pectinase is used as clarifying agent it was demand to replace pectin on industrial scale 6. The major advantage of ultra pectinase are the raw material are cheap, low investment, process takes place without heating, product output is higher, impurities are isolated, less moisture content is les and it takes place in less than 30 mins than the traditional method of 48 mins 6. alkalescent PECTINASEThe general steps that are followed during the production of alkaline pectinase the bacterial strain are selected for selective breeding, these strains are cultured, fermentation takes place through shiver and the enzyme liquid preparation takes place 2, 7, and 8. The production of alkaline pectinase has optimized t he culture condition method and they are the fermentation mediocre is optimized by taking a single fact experiment, the target strain is optimized by using methods of result surface to get strain of target, the culture condition in the middling is optimized so that the fermentation condition for the target strain is optimized 8. In a same way pedestal sequence of alkaline pectinase pel1685s is optimized, this is done by amplification using PCR, transformation and ligation of the pel168 gene 9.Industrial production of pectinase also takes place in same way as production of alkaline pectinase for high enzyme activity 10. Its an advantage in for having high enzyme activity for industrial pectinase production fermentation period is short, constitute is low, time taken is short and stable 10.APPLICATION OF PECTINASE PRODUCTIONPectin as an enzyme is used industrially for various application some of the specific areas are as followsPapermaking pulpingAfter pickling treatment the raw material is soaked with alkaline pectinase. The chemical extract prepared has favorable strength and property, after bleaching and chlorine treatment the get going has whiteness of 80-90%, there is 20-40% decrease in alkali consumption and the cost of production is also decreased 20% 7.DegummingWhen pectin is used for fiber flack catcher degumming there is about(predicate) 80% waste reduced, the ration of the finished is about 65%, the ratio of fiber dispersion is 100%there is nigh no fiber strength destruction, also the defect in gum ratio is low, the time taken for degumming is also less 10.Juice making and clarificationPectin is normally found in most of the fruits. Pectin is used in juice clarification in the following way plant material to be provided, plant material need to be chopped and down(p) into smaller pieces, taking this small piece and contacting it with pectinase with further clarifies the juice 11. in like manner sometimes low temperature pectinase are generate d for the production of apple juice. Penicillium aculeatum is used for the generation of low temperature pectinase with the help of shaddock peel disintegrate which acts as a carbon source for clarification of fresh apple juice. The middling used for fermentation is as follows anhydrous CaCl2 0.01%, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.2%, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate 0.2% , peptone 0.5-2% and shaddock peel powder 0.5-2% the p H of medium is maintained at 5.5. a clear apple juice is obtained with the help of fermentation condition like time taken is 75-147 hrs, the inoculums size is 2%, the temperature is maintained at ccc C, the speed of rotation at 3-30 rpm. In these conditions the pectinase of low temperature react with the apple juice at 100, 200 and 300 for 2 hrs to give clarified apple juice 12.Processing of sojaPectinase produced by organism bacillus is used in soybean plant plant production. The processes takes place in such a way that first the soaking of soybean in wat er takes place which is further steamed, cooled and allowed to react with pectinase. This is held for some time period agitated further for enzyme treatment. Now slurry is generated from that single cell of soybean is taken and dispersed and the pectinase is inactivated. It is further dried to get soybean powder 13.CONCLUSIONDifferent production methods of pectinase have been studied. The super or ultra pectinase production method for clearing agents in juices using seaweeds. The use of genetically engineered bacteria for the production of alkaline pectinase and the different optimization methods of culture conditions for the production. The nucleotide sequence used for the production of alkaline pectinase is also optimized. The applications of pectinase especially in the papermaking industry. The production of low temperature pectinase in juice clearing at low temperatures. Specific gene code, nucleotide and protein used for the production of pectinase are used for industrial produ ction of alkaline pectinase.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Motorola inc. six sigma approach
Motorola inc. six sigma approachexecutive SUMMARYThe first part of the project contains training ab step up Motorola. The learning includes the companys mission, vision statement, their look ons of Motorola and a brief view of their TQM beliefs. Motorola, Inc. is an American multinational telecommunications company, headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois, United States. The main purpose of this report is to analyze join Quality Management (TQM) tool arounds and techniques practiced by Motorola, Inc. for performance of warlike saltation in this intense competitive environment.The second part of the project dialogue about Motorolas Total Quality Management practices like Six Sigma Approach, continuous improvement, Employee matter and client revolve around, Quality standards, Management, Supplier standards, Counterfeit products etc.The triplet part of the project contains information about Motorolas key performance indicators and caliber standards.The final part of the pro ject talks about Motorolas successes and weaknesses. All the information I subprogramd for this project was received at Inc. is unrivaled of the largest telecommunication manufacturer companies of the serviceman. Motorola is in telecommunication industry for much than 80 years. Motorola net sales in 2008 were U.S. $ 30.1 billion and it employed approximately 65,000 community all over the world.The company manufactures telecommunication products like Microprocessors, Mobile ph nonpareils, Smartphones, two-way radios, Networking systems and Satellite phones etc. This report examines the efficiency and effectiveness of the TQM tools practice by Motorola i.e. Six Sigma Approach, Continuous improvement, Employee involvement and Customer cerebrate etc. It besides analyzes the grapheme standard of Motorola, Inc. Product graphic symbol for Motorola is the most important ingredient of wrinkle profitability and importance of ensuring the qualit y of the products cannot be underestimated. Strategy of quality improvement usually increases innovative products that meet the expanding needs of Motorola guests around the world and similarly increases commercialise sh be of company. Motorola sees things from a global perspective, always propel to create and urinate innovative products of the highest quality at a credible price for worldwide node gratification. Motorola is also trying to develop environmental friendly products in order to show responsible merged citizen image. Furthermore, in the altogether ways are found out by Motorola to push d avow huffy material requirements and at the same time keep wastage level at minimum.Vision Statement Our history is rich. Our future is dynamic. We are Motorola and the spirit of purpose is what drives us.Mission StatementWe are a global communications draw powered by a passion to invent and an unceasing loyalty to advance the way the world connects. Our communication solu tions allow people, worryes and governments to be more connected and more mobile.Values of Motorola Receive customer loyalty by delivering on our promises. Build quality associations with companies that contri howevere to our values. Take care of the enthronement of our sectionholders as if it were our own. Compete aggressively but with integrity. Provide products and services that public assistance people. line of merchandise decisions must be based on the best interests of Motorola. newspaper business take precautions immediately. Business must be conducted legally and ethically, without judge or giving bribes.StrategyAs a global corporate citizen, Motorola tries to create products and technologies that benefit society by making things smarter and life fitter for people around the world. Motorola is devoted to operate ethically, defending the environment and keep the communities in which Motorola do business. They are guided by our Code of Business Conduct, which is base d on our key beliefs of unbending reliability and constant look upon for people.As a global corporate citizen, Motorola strives to Create innovative technological solutions that benefit people at home, at work and on the move. add-on divideholder value through profitable growth, technological innovation and foodstuff leadership. Operating with precision and the concealment standards of ethics and law. Protect the environment by improving our environmental performance and designing environmentally conscious products. exercise a safe and healthy workplace, fostering a globally divers(a) workforce and supporting our employees work-life balance. Promote frugal opportunities and growth in regions where Motorola conduct business, through products, services and operations. Set expectations for our providers to conduct their operations in savvy with the law.KEY STAKEHOLDERSThe key stake holders who directly or indirect simulate Motorola company LTD according to CSR report 2008 ar e Customers Employees Suppliers Labor unions Investors/share holders perseverance organizations GovernmentTQM TOOLS USED BY MOTOROLA1. Six Sigma ApproachMotorola knows Six Sigma is a very good approach but not perfect for achievement of the quality goals. Thats why being the founder of the Six Sigma technique Motorola practices rafts of utilizable tools of TQM.Six Sigma, an approach developed by Motorola to improve business processes by minimizing defects.2. Customer focusCustomer focus is the major concern of Motorola. Motorola has always worked well with its supplier to maximize the customer satisfaction. Motorola services and products are focused on market share and loyalty of customers. Customer satisfaction index help Motorola in measuring the satisfaction level of its customers. Customer complaints not only represent the problem of Motorola customer face but also are a big opportunity for improvement. Motorola tries to find the al-Qaida causes of the problem and remove th at, so as to enhance services and reduce complaints of customer in foresightful run. Customer relation centers help Motorola in handling the enquiries from customers quickly, respectfully and clearly.3. Continuous improvement and Supplier StandardsSupplier produce necessary parts and materials for the products, maintaining close cooperation is very important for stable toil and enhancement of quality. Motorola knows the importance of relationship with its supplier thats why Motorola is building long term relationship with its business partners.Motorola follows strict processes to ensure the quality of finished products regardless of whether it is from the internal or external suppliers. For Motorola it is also very life-or-death that working conditions are safe for employees, and employees are treated as partner, this get out assure the quality and continuity of supply.4. BenchmarkingBenchmarking is one of the effective tools of Motorola that enables to gain competitive edge by building strengths and reducing weaknesses of company. Benchmarking inspire Motorola managers to compete, it is useful tool of quality because the objectives are set on the basis of external information, delinquent to information approach personnel of the organization is much more prompt to attain the goals and objective. Motorola know that Benchmarking is time and cost cost-efficient because the process involves burlesque and adaptation rather than pure invention.5. Environmental concernMotorola is working with its supplier to produce smart products which is not harmful for environment, Motorola produce energy efficient products to promote environmental management systems. Motorola is supporting the suppliers efforts to achieve the ISO 14000 Certification which is very helpful for scramable environment. Motorola follows all countries, regions and localities laws regarding environment and trying to find out the cheap ways to minimize energy usage.6. Education and TrainingEmpl oyee ripening is very important for continues improvement, whence Motorola gives ongoing education and training to its employees. This not only keeps employees up-to-date with new trends applied to job but also help increase the productivity. Motorola monitor the effectiveness of training programmes to ensure that its useful for employees.7. Employee involvementThe performance of organization directly depend on the employee involvement, therefore success of company is dependent on the involvement of employees. Motorola Employees are the parentage of creativity and problem solving. Employee must be given authority which motivates employees to own the company / Process of Company. Motorola staff knows they play vital role in the success of the company, that why they effectively participate in all processes of organization. Employee involvement efficiently increased quality of the products produced by Motorola.PERFROMANCE INDICATORS OF MOTOROLAMotorola puts its efforts to provide th e society with sea captain products and services by developing innovations that improve the quality of life and touch customer needs, provides employees with meaningful work environment and advancement opportunities and investors with a hypernym return.Motorola is also playing a role to make sure that their products are accessible and affordable to the people who need them. They are taking varied initiatives and forming partnerships in this regard. All people at Motorola are responsible for adhering to business practices that are in accordance with the law and the ethical principles.The Company strives to use outside technology resources as well. Motorolas manufacturing division will further focus its capabilities on core products. In addition, Motorola is enhancing its research operations to expand access to worldwide external science.It works with its employees to understand their concerns, needs and thoughts on companys strengths and weaknesses and co-ordinated these finding s into the strategies, processes and programs. In order to do this, Motorola carries out surveys of employees.Motorola promotes the human rights of its employees. The main focus is to encourage justice, equal opportunity and dignity without discrimination. This is a step towards promoting economic development.SUCCESSES OF MOTOROLAMotorola is a world-renowned company that services the US and several international countries. Their organisational structure puts them on top of the rest with strong values for their employees and customers. I learned that there is a huge competition between Nokia and Motorola for market share in the manufacturing of handheld devices. Starting out in 1928 as a small battery powered radio producer, Motorola is truly a company building a foundation for the next up and glide slope technology. Motorola is a company that has been around a long time and one of its main key factors to success is that that you can see the brand give away any where you go. Motoro la is the second leading producer of wireless handsets and is the top supplier of wireless infrastructure equipment such as cellular transmissions base stations, amplifiers, and mesh switching. Its also helpful in many new products such as the new Star Tac cell phone that has the market wondering if Motorola is behind in the game and ready to regain market share. Motorola is also the top producer of fixed chips that are used in wireless networking, automotive, and customer products. A key success for many annalists is how much market share a company has. Motorola has the no. one global market share in semiconductors for automotive applications, in communications processors, and in radio oftenness power products for cellular base station markets.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONSTo remain competitive in these extremely competitive economic situations that exist in todays telecommunication industry, telecommunication companies must look for excellence. New style of management helps in achieving the excellence which focuses on cycle time reduction, employee involvement, the reduction of waste, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction.To gain competitive edge in twenty first deoxycytidine monophosphate market, it is crucial for telecommunication companies to supply more reliable quality and value to their customers. It is the time to expand better and more direct relationships with clients, to start teamwork at the jobsite, and to generate better quality work.The recommendations are that Motorola must continue to sustain the position of cost leadership by focusing on quality of the products, as it helps in producing high volumes of mature products, which lead to lower prices. Motorola should mount differentiation strategy to gain competitive advantage to charge exchange premium prices.
Social Networking Websites Usage Towards Academic Performance Education Essay
neighborly Networking Websites Us come along Towards Academic Performance t separatelying method EssayThis chapter covers astir(predicate) the literature re turn over on the Social Networking Sites (SNS) manipulation towards donnish executing. The resources pulmonary tuberculosisd in this chapter such(prenominal) as books and articles be from e-book available in the net and Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak (PTAR) collections. The collections utilized be primary and secondary sources which were obtained from the interviews, printed and online interlingual rendition of books and articles. The articles apply are available in PTAR library databases such as Science Direct, Emerald Management Extra, H.W. Wilson, ProQuest and separates. The journal titles that were referred to are info processing systems in Human Behavior, Computers Education, Computers and report card and mevery such(prenominal). The keywords enforced during the probing process such as Social Networking Sites (SNS), Facebook, Computer and internet c only, SNS and schoolchild proceeding. This chapter will cover five sections which are computer and internet determination, affectionate wind vaneing use, SNS and donnish surgery, factors of use SNS and overly avail of SNS towards educatee performance.2.1 Academic performanceIn educational institutions, school-age childs usu onlyy world analyses and evaluate based on their performance in their academician. It refers to how school-age childs deal with their studies and how they get by with or accomplish diametrical tasks given up to them by their teachers. Besides that, academic performance also goat be analysed in term of the faculty of the students to analyse and remember facts and the ability to communicate their knowledge verbally or in written form.Azizi Hj. Yahaya (2004) stated that thither are four factors that make up ones mind students academic performance which are roles of teachers or schools, peers , parents and the students themselves. He stated that the roles of students cover the aspects of the nature of the skill process, the goals of the breeding process, construction of knowledge, strategic thinking and lastly on thinking about thinking. He then explained that the self-made student should be an active, goal-directed, self-regulating, and assume personal responsibility for contri entirelying to their own learning. It can be concluded that the academic performance was reflects by the factors that define the outcomes of boffo students during their learning process. However, the students themselves should determine their goals and champion their selves so that they can achieve undefeated results in their academic performance.Kirschner and Karpinski (2010) revealed that it is difficult to measure the academic performance oddly in term of defining the academic performance itself. there are many ways to measure the academic performance either apply the GPA or the grad e such as A, B, C, D, and F). Other than that, the detective should relate the academic performance with the amount of time spent body of work such as effortless, weekly or monthly. ground on Karpinski (2009), academic performance is conceptualized diametrically amid schools, states and countries. Therefore, he stated that in that location is no accurate definition on the way to measure academic performance.2.2 Computer and internet useIn the Information Age, Information Technology (IT) and net profit skills are becoming increasely important, and those without these skills are at a damage economically and educationally. Schumacher and Morahan-Martin (2001) in their research base that the students had to a greater extent than exposure to computers than to the Internet. The study build that males were more experienced and account gameyer(prenominal) skill levels with the Internet than females, with the exception of e-mail. The students utilize email in order to fork up efficiently exchange digital randomness with classmates. Almost one third of the first-grade students do non soak up their own e-mail address at central office yet. The research also identify that more than half of the first-grade students report that they use their computers at least once a week to look for information on the Internet while one third of them employ e-mail or chat from fundament almost every mean solar day. The findings also fancys that a quarter of the students used the computer for this purpose every week and more than half use the computer every day for games or unison.A research do by Tsai and Tsai (2010) found that there is no profound sex battle in students total Internet Self-Efficacy Scale (ISES) rafts. However, a concentrateificant difference was found in the communicative Internet Self-Efficacy (ISE) tons in the midst of genders while further subscale. The female students had importantly higher scores than did the male students in the communication subscale. It can be concluded that the girls held momentously more confidence than the boys regarding Internet communication.The study also shows that Internet use experience both(prenominal) genders had a medium level of Internet knowledge experience in average. Therefore, there is no significant gender difference found in students Internet development experience. However, a significant gender difference was found in students weekly time spent where it determine that boys spent significant more time on utilize the Internet than did the girls every week.The study also found that there was a different purpose of using Internet among the genders where most of the girls used the Internet for searching, mailing, music listening, homework and talking while the boys mostly regained the Internet for game playing, searching and music listening. This result suggested that boys and girls might have different interests or motivations in utilizing the Internet.McCarthy ( 2000) stated in his article that in the early 2000s, schools at all levels in many countries began to prepare all students for Internet literacy and to promote Internet-based learning for manner-long learning. The result from Tsai and Lins (2004) research make in Taiwan showed that the girls had significantly higher Internet self-efficacy than the boys while high school male students still had develop Internet attitudes in rough aspects. match to Hille (2009), the article mentioned that adolescent students whitethorn immersed in online gaming, chatting or another(prenominal) online entertainment, and even become habituated if there is no effective make outment and supervision from their parents and teachers. The students may also ambush to pornographic and violent contents flooding the Internet.Wainer et al. (2008) found that from seven social economic classes, it shows that there is a decrease in test performance among the younger and the poorer students and their computer use is higher than other. Other than that, it also identify that there is a significant decrease in the grades of those who use computers more frequently when compared with those who never use computers for assignments. While the poorest socioeconomic class shows that there is a 15% reduction in test scores.The research through by Yang and Tung (2008) showed that 236 subjects from a total of 1708 were identified as addicts using the eight-item Internet addiction using Internet addiction Diagnostic Questionnaire (DQ) positive by Young (1996b) to distinguish addicts from non-addicts . The findings showed that there are significant different levels of influence of the Internet between the Internet addicts and non-addicts in five aspects of life other than peer dealing. The Internet addicts believed that the Internet invalidatingly influenced their school learning, daily routines, health, and parental relations as well as teacher relations while the Internet positively influenced al l six aspects of the lives of non-addicts. In old studies, high school students displayed problematic consequences of Internet dependence, for instance, skipping meals, losing sleep and study time, increasing financial cost for on-line activity, and rearranging daily routines or even neglecting studies to buy the farm more time online (Brenner, 1996 Egger Rauterberg, 1996 Young, 1996b) as cited in Yang and Tung (2008).Based on Youngs study (1998) cited in Yang and Tung (2008), it was found that Internet dependents step by step reduced the time spent with family and friends while increasing time in front of their computers. This phenomenon may apply for some Taiwanese Internet users, but the data in this study demonstrated a negative influence on parents but no disruption of peer alliances for either addicts or non-addict. The findings of this study confirmed those of Kandell (1998), Lin and Tsai (2002) and Chou and Hsiao (2000) as quoted in Yang and Tung (2008), that both the a ddict and non-addict groups saw the Internet as positively influencing their relationships with friends and schoolmates. Statistical results pointed that Internet addicts spent approximately 21.2 hours per week on the Internet, while non-addicts spent slightly 12.1 hours per week.This study assumes that most college students, living away from parental monitoring and with fewer classes than high school students, have extensive freedom to explore barbaric activities that might lead to Internet addiction. This study finds a level of report Internet work among high school Internet addicts that is comparable to that for addicted college students.Uaks (2007) study revealed that most of the students of the Department of Information Management in Hacettepe University, Ankara uses the Internet every day. Based on the results, the majority access the Internet from their departments computers fol downhearteded by accessing from their home. However, the rate of access from Internet cafes and the library is low. The results show that a vast purposes of using the Internet such as for their courses, homework assignments followed by using the Internet for personal interest and for e-mails. Some of them used the Internet to listen for music, games, and entertainment option while chat comes in the last place.SNSThe experiences and opinions of the social network influence contraceptive decisionsin this existence of young, minority women. The social network, including friends, family members,and media sources, is a key source of contraceptive information for many women. Comprehensivecontraception counseling should explore the experiences and opinions of the patients social networkto the extent possible. Lynn Yee, M.D., M.P.H.a, and Melissa Simon, M.D., M.P.H(2009)Results show upd that students useFacebook approximately 30 min end-to-end the day as part of their daily routine. Studentscommunicated on Facebook using a one-to-many style, in which they were the creatorsdissemin ating content to their friends. Even so, they spent more time observant content onFacebook than actually come ining content. Facebook was used most practically for social interaction,primarily with friends with whom the students had a pre-established relationship offline. Inaddition to determinate indistinguishability markers of emerging adulthood, such as religion, political ideology,and work, young adults also used media preferences to express their identity. Implications ofsocial networking site use for the development of identity and peer relationships are discourseed.Tiffany A. Pempek, Yevdokiya A. Yermolayeva, Sandra L. Calvert(2008)An individuals success in society depends on the sort and size of his/her social networkand ability to network and form connections with other social groups. Organisations which canharness this innate human ability to manage knowledge will be able to depress transactions costs andbecome more profitable. Anria Sophia van Zyl (2008)Regression a nalyses conducted onresults from a opinion of undergraduate students (N = 286) suggest a strong associationbetween use of Facebook and the three types of social capital, with the strongest relationship existence to bridging social capital. In addition, Facebook enjoyment was found tointeract with measures of psychological well-being, suggesting that it might providegreater benefits for users experiencing low self-esteem and low life satisfaction. Nicole B. EllisonCharles SteinfieldCliff Lampe(2007)2.3 SNS use and academic performanceAccording to Boyd Ellison (2008), Social-networking sites (hereafter SNS) are the latest online communication brute that allows users to create a public or private profile to interact with people in their networks. They then delimit SNS as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, aver a list of other users with whom they share a connection and view and traverse their list of con nections and those made by others within the systemThere are few studies that had been done in findings the significant of SNS with academic performance. Kirschner and Karpinski (2010) had conducted a research on the Facebook (FB) and academic performance. FB is a part of the examples of SNS that was recently being used by many people including the students. Barratt, Hendrickson, Stephens and Torres (2005) stated that the increased of FBs popularity has raises questions about its impact on college student life. The FB was firstly introduced by Mark Zuckerberg in 2005 to friend residential college and university students identify students in other residence halls. The usage of FB than has been expanded to individuals outside the college and university system. It has been identified that the usage of FB covers all group of age with mostly the age between 25 to 34 year-olds (Lipsman, 2007). However, even though there was an increase growth in older age groups, FB cadaver primarily a college- age and emerging adult phenomenon.From the statistics collected by the FB administrative that showed in the website, http//, it recorded that there are cholecalciferol million of active users registered and half of them log in any given day while 55 million updates post each day with more than 8 billion minutes spent on the website general each. The statistic also identified that more than 2.5 billion photos uploaded each month, more than 14 million videos uploaded each month, more than 30 billion pieces of content, for instance web links, refreshings stories, blog posts, notes, photos shared each week, more than 3.5 million events created each month, and more than 45 million active user groups existing. It can be concluded that Facebook is a popular time-consuming activity that undoubtedly has some impact on college student life.Based on study done by Espinosa, Laffey, Whittaker, and Sheng (2006), they investigated the role of engineering science in early childhood development using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. From the findings, it indicated that access contributed to the learning potential of the students, but the researchers concerned that parents should pull ahead the educational use of engineering science to improve academic achievement. Apart from that, according to Lei and Zhao (2005), it was explored that the specifics of access, acknowledging that quantity is not as important as quality when it comes to engine room use and student achievement. Specifically, when the quality of technology use is not closely monitored or ensured, computer use may do more harm than good to student achievement in school.Hunley et al. (2005) identified that there is no relationship found between time spent on the computer at home and GPA in a sample of adolescents. Technology was found to have a positive impact on academic achievement, or technology with educational value. However, Kubey, Lavin and Barrows (2001), mentioned that other researchers have found that recreational Internet use is strongly correlated with impaired academic performance. The results showed that approximately 10-15% of study participants reported feeling not being in complete control of their Internet use, and that it has hurt their schoolwork. Furthermore, they also identified that students who reported Internet caused schoolwork problems were found to have spent five times more hours online than those who did not, and they were also significantly more likely to report that their Internet use caused them to stay up late, get less sleep, and miss classes.The researchers conclude that it is not so much the Internet that causes these problems as the new social opportunities of the Internet. Students who reported academic problems were more likely to use the Internet for real-time social activities such as IM and chat rooms which lead to them to sleep late at night. Karpinski and Duberstein (2009) on their exploratory survey study identified that there is a negative relationship between FB use and academic achievement as measurable by self-reported GPA and hours spent studying per week. Hargittai (2009) stated that there is no evidence found to prove the relationship of Facebook usage with low academic performance. Banquil et al. (2009) in their research found that social networking sites do not indicate negative effects on a students performance in school.2.4 Factors of using the social networking sites among the studentsYang and Tung (2008) stated the Internet addicts usually used the websites and SNS because of lower self-esteem than non-addicts. They are more confident to communicate or interact through the Internet rather than face to face with people.Yap (2008) identified that, the main factor of using the SNS is because the users need not pay any fees due to the free membership. Furthermore, it is easy to use the SNS whereby the users only need to sign up by filling the form and active the link direct via their email.The students and users also can post advertisements there in order to other members of an event that they are hosting. It is also an opportunity for them to make new friends, use them every day to chat, play games and connect with friends, family and strangers.2.5 Usefulness of the social networking sites towards student performanceThe SNS enjoyment as a communication tools using the technology connection between people from different locations, for instance the existing of Facebook is to help residential college and university students identify students in other residence halls which also function as an online directory that connects people through social networks at colleges and universities before it is for the most part used worldwide.According to Pineda (2010), the students and SNS users used it to keep in touch by maintaining a profile on these sites, their loved ones, friends and distant relatives which they do not have to c all the users every time just to stay in touch with one another. Besides that, the students can take advantage to post their resume and credentials to the companies that advertise vacancy in the SNS.Dalsgaard (n.d.) discussed how the social networking may be utilized within university education by students sharing information and resources that are originally developed for themselves but made available to others such as using bookmarks, references, links, and notes. He stated that social networking sites are not the new Learning Management Systems. He mentioned that the SNs can be used as a discussion forums and other tools for direct communication and coaction focus on direct sharing, social networking can support students corroborative sharing of resources, thoughts, ideas, productions, writings, notes and others. It will provide the students with an increased consciousness and awareness of the activities of other students.Brady, Holcomb and Smith (2010) identified that educati on-based SNSs can be used most efficaciously in distance education courses as a technological tool to improve online communications among students in higher distance education courses. According to Barab and Duffy (2000) and DeSchryver, Mishra, Koehler and Francis (2009), they found that distance education courses are often more successful when they develop communities of practice while Anderson (2005) later added that it is also encourage high levels of online social presence among students.Brady, Holcomb and Smith (2010) stated that since the SNS facilitate the sharing of information, the technologies used in SNSs aid discussion and create intimacy among online students, as they have their ability to connect and build community in a socially and educationally constructed network. Besides, the article also stated that SNS created specifically for an educational listening provides a unique opportunity for educators to facilitate a strong good sense of community among students and encourage personal interactions that can lead to the creation of new knowledge and collective intelligence.Smith (2009) as cited in Brady, Holcomb and Smith (2010) stated that, course management systems (CMS) such as Blacktable and Moodle, tend to be much focused and lack the personal touch and networking capacity that SNSs offer. For instance, instructors using CMS may create a question in an online discussion board and each student posts a response. However, these student posts are really not interactions at all, but merely question and answer sessions. Using an SNS that is user centered compared to CMS, it has the potential to increase student engagement. SNSs can actively encourage online community building, extending learning beyond the boundaries of the classroom.Bai (2003), indicated that social presence leads to reduced feelings of bleakness and impassiveness while simultaneously encouraging student interaction and connection in online courses.2.6 Conceptual FrameworkEase of useStudent performanceSNS usageUsefulnessModerating VariableDependent Variable nonsymbiotic VariablesFigure 1 Conceptual FrameworkFigure 1 shows the relationship on the effect of using the social networking sites (SNS) towards students performance. This conceptual framework is developed by the researcher herself based on the literature suss out done and gathered from previous studies. The figure shows that there are two factors that lead to the usage of the SNS which are the ease of use of the SNS itself and the usefulness the SNS bring to the SNS users. The first factor which is ease of use refers to several elements such as in them of the time response of the SNS, the simple rules and regulation apply and may be because of the attractive and simple design of the SNS itself. While, the usefulness can be defined as the benefits or advantages the users obtain in using the SNS. In this study it focuses more in the usefulness of SNS in the students performance.Besides that, it sho ws the relationship between the usage of the SNS with the students performance. The study wants to identify and determine whether there is any significant relationship on the usage of the SNS in the students performance.2.7 ConclusionThis literature review provides the brief ideas and information regarding the issues on whether there is any relationship between the usages of the SNS towards students performance. It provides findings done by the previous researchers on the similar topic and all the supports has been included and further revise in this chapter 2. The next chapter will discuss on the methodology that will be used in the study. The precise information regarding the methodology will be further discussed in the Chapter 3.
Friday, March 29, 2019
The operations of the PepsiCo Company
The operations of the PepsiCo CompanyThe report based on the operations of PepsiCo was d bingle in the satisfaction of a Dynamics of Strategy Assignment. The troupe original location is in the United States of America but the friendship also operates in countries glob wholey ranging from large emerging countries, the BRIC countries Brazil, Russia, India and China to the short Caribbean Islands.PepsiCo, initiated as Pepsi a carbonated cola drink in the boozing industriousness initiated in 1968 and has continued to expand since. The smart set has expanded with diversification and acquisitions into both the lay downnder and potable industry. The fraternity has been analyzed in terminations of its internal and outdoor(a) environment and strategicalalal opportunities for changement has been proposed.PepsiCos heraldic bearing Our mission is to be the worlds premier consumer intersection points phoner focused on expedient sustenances and beverages. We seek to produce fina ncial rewards to investors as we provide opportunities for growth and enrichment to our employees, our line of products partners and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do, we strive for honesty, fairness and integrity.PepsiCos vision, PepsiCos responsibility is to continually im p arent all aspects of the world in which we operate environment, affable, economic creating a bettor tomorrow than today.IntroductionPepsiCo, one of the most diverse and leading companies in the food and beverage industry initiated as Pepsi Cola in 1898 producing save cola beverages. In 1965, the company took the step to merge with another company, Frito take down, in the food industry to form the company as the name is today, PepsiCo. PepsiCo controls 103 one million million litres in market volume in the US beverage industry and con legitimately a UDS $321billion in market value.PepsiCo with competitors in both the food and beverage industry, focused on international growth a nd throw out diversification. PepsiCo is the secondment largest beverage producer in the world and the worlds leader in its Frito Lay division in the food (salty snacks) industry. PepsiCo has numerous competitors in both the food and beverage industry CoCa Cola, Kraft Foods, Unilever, and Nestle. PepsiCo expanded its production initially from Pepsi, a cola beverage to diversifying to water (Aquafina), Quaker Oats in the metric grain and snack industry to juices and energy drinks such as Gatorade.The company further acquired and formed joint ventures increasing its product line to teas and root beers. The company acquired and formed joint ventures, along with the purchase of famous restaurant chains such as Kentucky Fried Chicken. PepsiCo currently focuses on growth by dint of Performance with a Purpose to remedy the performance of the company, human and genius sustainability as they move towards be more environment friendly.The assignment seeks to reexamine and analyze the e xternal and internal environment, evaluating whether the company is in strategic fail or drift. When this is determined, the research worker would assess the feasibility, acceptability and suitability of the proposed strategic selection of growth in emerging markets. The police detective would then go on to recommend a detailed implementation plan of the chosen strategic option in terms of new product outgrowth.T pick out 1Evaluation of the External EnvironmentThe evaluation of the external environment was infrataken with the use of various animate beings which analyses conditions, entities, tied(p)ts and factors of the environment in which PepsiCo operates. The implements used by the researcher were the PESTLE abstract, Porters Five Forces, the 3 Cs and the Industry Life Cycle. This analysis of each tool was embarked on to determine how the activities of PepsiCo are influenced by the macro environment and whether the company is in strategic fit.PESTLE Analysis is a tool that could aid organizations making strategies by helping them understand the external environment in which they operate now and how they will operate in the future.In all markets PepsiCo has entered, the presidential term has intervened to some extent, where they were confronted with several political barriers to entry, adhering to laws and regulations. These outgrowths increased, as the company expanded its operations and portfolio. PepsiCo was further affected when the economic downswing negatively impacted on their financial statement as be fluctuated. disrespect this, PepsiCo was granted approval for investment funds into the company.Cultural and demographic aspects, social factors also affected the operations of PepsiCo which include a shift towards better lifestyles. PepsiCo has kept up-to-date with technological advancements by introducing the most recent improvements to machinery in the industry. They bring implemented modern media methods to increase brand awareness , allowing them to being innovative, trim costs and improve prime(prenominal).PepsiCo faces legal challenges where on that point were bans placed on advertizement in some countries. In some countries the governments have reduced the awarded acquire previously set at a term of five long time to one year. PepsiCo has decided to go green and be environment friendly, pore on water, climate changes, agricultural and packaging change. They have initiated to reduce their return consumption.Michael Porter provided a role model that models an industry as being influenced by five forces.Porters five forces is a framework used by the researcher to determine the free-enterprise(a) intensity of the macro environment in which PepsiCo operate. Considering PepsiCo is one of the dominants in the food and beverage industry there is little live for new entrants to create competitive pressure. imputable to capital, market knowledge and experience, PepsiCo has the lordly advantage in terms of cost which would deter new competitors.PepsiCo with the advantage of high bargaining power of suppliers are able to identify, differentiate and deputise inputs. If the suppliers have greater influence on the industry, then PepsiCo would have to compensate high prices for the raw materials. PepsiCo allows the buyers a beefed-up bargaining power so that they could wield the number of buyers they have and attract new ones. Buyers whitethorn have greater influence on PepsiCo since there are numerous substitutes for its products.The nemesis of substitutes which exists within the beverage and food industry is a major issue for PepsiCo, where a price change cigarette prove futile for the company. PepsiCo is well-off since although there are substitutes for the products there are no close rival, with a diversified portfolio that links directly to PepsiCo at all product levels. This, a strength to the company gives them the competitive advantage of operating in the industry.The 3Cs deterrent example is a business model which offers a strategic look at the factors needed for successThe researcher would use the 3Cs model to measure the differences in the midst of the actual and the perceived quality of the companys product portfolio, helping to assess the wideness of the brand name PepsiCo.Market dominance of certain products such as Frito Lay and Gatorade has been a success since PepsiCo would have increased market circumstances. PepsiCo croupe maintain this dominance by obtaining control of their brand through and through patenting. The company can further seek other measures to maintain this success, through alteration by improving existing products.PepsiCo segments its market and goals are directed towards consumers since it is the consumers who the company depends on for revenues and profits. PepsiCo portrayed them as the New Generation or the Pepsi Generation. PepsiCo has even adjusted its portfolio by improving existing products and developing new ones to bet current trends in the market a healthier lifestyle.Although PepsiCo is dominant in some products in the market they still need to focus on its competitors strategies and techniques. Coca Cola, leader in the beverage industry enjoys the largest market share for carbonated soft drinks. Smaller competitors use strategies to allow them to remain in the market and their size, although smaller than PepsiCo to gain competitive advantage.PepsiCo is in the mature branch of the Industry Life Cycle in the food and beverage industry. This tool with knowledge of past and current market trends are used to shout out future trends and potential entrants or threats that may arise in the market. PepsiCo maintains its business office by using techniques such as diversification strategies and developing products towards current trends and market development.Critical Assessment of strategical Resource CapabilitiesThe researcher undertook an analysis of PepsiCos internal environment, com prised of the organizations resources, capabilities and competencies. This assessment helped to determine whether the company is in a strategic fit or drift. Several tools such as the SWOT analysis, the VRIO framework and the Key Success Factors were used.PepsiCo has the second highest market share in the beverage industry but have always had and continues to maintain a strong brand run across. The company had the advantage since with their diversified portfolio they were able to create an theatrical role for not wholly for their cola beverage but for all their products. Due to this PepsiCo encountered additional revenue for growth and was able to invest in applied science with helped them to benefit from economies of scale. contempt PepsiCos many strengths they had their fair share of weaknesses. The company has check themselves with their diversified portfolio since they have concentrated mostly in North America. This could prove that they are not fully utilizing their resour ces available to them globally especially in emerging countries. This weakness can be converted to an opportunity where it can be used as a strategy towards growth. Further opportunities may emerge where PepsiCo can further diversify through new product development, improvements to old products and acquisitions, towards changing demand, a healthier lifestyle. PepsiCo faces challenges from competitors and the declining economy could also prove as a threat where there is sluggish growth of the economy.PepsiCo with a strong internal work culture, an intangible resource, is structured toward the companys Performance with a Purpose to encourage professionalism and personal development while subsequently having fun. Ideas and comments are most welcomed by the management aggroup. Young employees are given the receive to embrace early responsibility, to accept risks and make some decisions allowing them to develop and set out prospective leaders. PepsiCo also focuses external culture whe re they give back to communities. geographical location has impacted on the internal culture of PepsiCo where culture is altered towards employees in different regions. The strategic location of the company also helps to improve the distribution of products. At some locations, PepsiCo use to their benefit government incentives to deconcentrate their operations. This helps to reduce operating costs. rat imagery, reputation and high employee morale plays a huge role in increasing goodwill of PepsiCo. This intangible asset could lead to a positive impact on the financial statements. Despite the negative outlook from the financial statements due to the economic storm and coin fluctuations, the company was able to grasp growth in 2008. Although numerous government bodies planned to increase taxes for snacks and cola beverages and PepsiCo had a high short term debt, they continued to invest for long term prospects.VRIO framework is an internal tool of analysis in the context of busin esses. VRIO is an acronym for the four question framework you ask about a resource or capability to determine its competitive potential the question of Value, the question of Rarity, the question of Imitability (Ease/Difficulty to Imitate), and the question of organic law (ability to exploit the resource or capability).PepsiCo was able to add value to their manufacturing work out through innovation and efficiency in all resources polish/HR, Location, Brand Image, Goodwill and Financially. All these resources are aligned, organized and exploited by PepsiCo. Culture/HR is the only resource of PepsiCo which can be identified as rare and not possessed by competitors. Although Goodwill is not rare, it is not easily duplicated by customers, hence is imitable and has a sustained competitive advantage. Despite this, if given sufficient time, money and resources all of PepsiCos other resources such as location, brand image and financial prosperity can be emulated, referred to as having a competitive parity.Key Success factors necessary for the success of PepsiCo in the market is that they should continue their use of celebrities in their advertising campaign. This would help to captivate customers toward the product. The company can focus on widening their distribution take as they expand their portfolio. This would help inject additional revenue into the company.Strategic FitPepsiCo is in a strategic drift to the extent where there is minimal innovation to develop new products. The company prefers to obtain products through mergers and acquisitions, since these products would have been established already and it reduces PepsiCos risk of a failing product. The disadvantage of this is that the brand names of the acquired products are standardized. When PepsiCo acquire these products, they continue to trade under their original name and not the name of the company, such as Gatorade. another(prenominal) drift of the company is where they fail to have optimal utilizat ion of all their resources. Their advertising campaigns do not include a wide target area market. Although the company serves approximately 86% of the worlds population, their advertising is mostly positioned towards the North American markets.Despite the strategic drift of PepsiCo, the company is in a strategic fit due to their strong Culture and Human Resources. This is clearly effective within the goals of the company Performance with a Purpose. This is advantageous to them since the management team ensures they are practice of good work culture, factors that are rare and cannot be imitated easily. The culture of this organization contributes to standardized operations which lead to high quality of the products, giving them the competitive advantage. Another factor which contributes to PepsiCos being in a fit is that the company has a diversified portfolio with no other undivided company in the food and beverage industry directly competing with PepsiCos escape of products all owing them to sustain their competitive advantage.PepsiCos most recent objectives in their sustainability report is being accomplished and puts the company in strategic fit where they are lamentable towards meeting the needs of the changing demand towards healthier products. This not only increase revenue but creates a strong brand image and gives the company the competitive advantage. Another object from PepsiCos sustainability report which puts them in a fit is their drive towards going green by reducing returns consumption, the labels in their packaging and usage of plastics. The company currently takes into consideration kB Initiatives, such as building codes when entering new markets. Despite of having a few(prenominal) strategic drift issues which cannot be ignored, PepsiCo continues to maintain their competitive advantage in the changing markets and is in a strategic fit.Task 2 tidings of Strategic OptionPepsiCo, since established in 1898 has grown into a gigantic well e stablished organization with a diversified portfolio. The company has achieved this through all factors in the Ansoff Matrix, allowing them to be the worlds largest food and beverage company. The company has achieved and continues to achieve growth through improvement, diversification of their product portfolio, entering new markets and through new product the development.Through extensive research into PepsiCo, the researcher put up PepsiCo has experienced a drastic fall in sales in recent times as a result of the global economic recession and due to changing consumer demands. CEO of the company, together with management has proposed to lay in new products to combat this predicament so that the company can maintain their market status and continue to achieve growth. Through profound investment and innovation, PepsiCo is targeting emerging markets BRIC countries.In keeping with PepsiCos mission grounded on Performance with a Purpose, their goals of Human Sustainability, and their current proposal, the researcher has chosen new product development as a growth strategy towards the improvement of the future strategic direction of the organization.By this route the company wouldSuitabilityFeasibility acceptablenessImplementation PlanConclusion vermiform appendix 1PESTLE attachment 2Porters Five Forces ModelAppendix 33Cs ModelAppendix 4SWOT AnalysisAppendix 5VRIO FrameworkResources richRareImitableOrganizedCompetitiveImplicationHierarchy of ResourcesCulture/HRYESYESYESYESSCACoreFinancialYESNONOYESCP ideaLocationYESNONOYESCPBaseBrand ImageYESNONOYESCPBaseGoodwillYESNOYESYESSCACoreAppendix 6Ansoff Matrix informant http//
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Fickle Feminism Essay -- Essays Papers
fickle FeminismWhy did the woman cross the road? you tell me. In Judith Timsons phrase, Whats a Girl to do? she argues what stereotypes women areaccepting and doing away with. pen in 2001, Timson is speaking tofemales in general, focusing on girls adaptation of the mediasmessages, intellect of the choices females have, and womens acceptanceof their go out despite the medias stereotypic take care. By raising questions and room for interpretation about these issues, Timson arguesthat smart set is counteracting with the confident(p) and strong images that women have fought so unmanageable for.The goal of this article is to try and understand the role of femalesin our media-crazed society today. The author is trying to convey theserious problem dealing with the image of women by using sarcasm and humor.Timson describes her encounter with a stereotypical frolic her adolescentdaughter picks up from school. She uses this to grab the attention of thereader because not only does it make the reader (hopefully) angry due tothe outdated joke, it considers what has happened to the days of strugglethat women have faced to secure equal rights and a positive and strongimage in society.To appeal to an audience consisting mainly of women who bestow manyroles, Timson shares her own personal experiences as a working become andwife. She also uses societal friendly examples such as discussing issueswith Playboy, actresses such as Jennifer Lopez, and sours such asCosmopolitan Magazine. These issues keep the reader tied to the article piece raising the important concern of what kind of messages these are forthe promptly maturing girls of our time. As our youth are becoming moremature at an ea... ...g that theseare the images that all women have chosen they are instead apothegm thatthis is the image the media has chosen for them.So why, after so many old age of bra-burning and protesting, have womenlagged behind on their upkeep of a positive image in society? JudithT imsons article is a prime argument for the medias influence on the imageof women. Her argument that women are stuck in a stereotypical limbo ofwho and what to be in our world today is credible and intelligent, whilefunny and intriguing. Timsons experience as a growing woman in the 21stcentury is reflected in her questions and opinions on the mixed-messageswomen are facing.Works CitedTimson, Judith. Whats a Girl to do?. Macleanss. 114 (2001) 44-50. Academic Search Premier, University of Dayton, Roesch Library.http//
Culture of India :: Ancient World Culture
It is non surprising that thinkers as diverse as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Mahatma Gandhi have found vehemence in The Bhagavad Gita, the great HINDU religious poem. At first glance, this contestation must seem odd to you after all, The Bhagavad Gita describes a momentary cessation in a vast battle in which brothers fight brothers in bloody, historical technicolor. The principal character, Arjuna, sits in a chariot in the middle of the mass of soldiers who wait -- surprisingly patiently -- as Arjuna looks into his conscience and questions his prophesy charioteer, Krishna. Krishnas temporary job as charioteer is by no means unintended this moment before the heat and horror of battle was chosen as precisely the right time to reflect on the nature of trade and devotion. The Bhagavad Gita, then, becomes a record of Arjunas questions and Krishnas provocative responses.You might ask What does this single work, a strangely didactic addition to the epic Mahabharata, say about antediluvi an patriarch INDIA? What does this work say about modern India? Can a interlingual rendition of The Bhagavad Gita help us today to recreate lifespan in Indian societies some 25 centuries ago? Can a reading of The Bhagavad Gita shit elements of Indian life?It is doubtful that Emerson read The Bhagavad Gita as a guide to the world of the Hindoos (as he would have spelled it). It is doubtful that he felt he knew India as a result of his reading, much as people (foolishly?) tactile property they know a country by reading a turn and tourism guide to that nation. Instead, Emerson responded to the great concepts and questions that The Bhagavad Gita explores the notion that an individual human life is but part of a greater reality of which humans, likewise, are a part the notion of the transitory nature of suffering and pain (not to stir pleasure) the valorizing of the spiritual, not the material, part of human nature.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
William S. Burroughs :: Biography Biographies Essays
William S. Burroughs William Seward Burroughs died recently at the age of 83 in the quiet of Lawrence, Kansas. Probably no other major American author ever received such viciously damning praise upon his death. Whereas the at once ridiculed Ginsberg was eulogized as a major American bard, obit writers corresponding the natural York Times Richard Severo (someone enormously unacquainted with Burroughs work) could dismiss this oeuvre as druggy experimentation and Burroughs audience as merely adoring cultists. Other obit writers, hearing of cut techniques and randomness, seemed drawn to the cut and paste i flurrys of their PCs, with which they cobbled lit crit phrases into gibberish. Thus, for the Associated Press, Naked Lunch unleashed an subway world which defied narration and was somehow written without standard narrative prose. What does it learn about the hegemony of realistic modes, and publishers niches, that a book, frontmost published in genus Paris almost 40 years ago, still poses such a flagellum to establishment arbiters that it must be continuously misrepresented. The literary world, after all, is non likely to be flooded by Burroughs wannabes. Though he has influenced observational filmmakers, conceptual artists and rock bands, his influence on writers and literature is harder to find. He odd no school, few followers, no imitators. He was as unique as Joyce. But whereas countless writers all over the world attempted to structured Joycean techniques, few have picked up on Burroughs. Even back in the mid-60s, the task of mass marketing Burroughs necessitated pigeonholing his work within acquainted(predicate) genres. The only American novelist living today who might conceivably be possessed by genius, Norman Mailer proclaimed on the cover of the first American paperback edition of Naked Lunch. Its publisher, Grove Press, the most grave and most courageous publishing house of that time, knew what it had to do, and subsequent works li ke Nova Express, The Ticket That Exploded, and The Soft Machine were all pointedly labeled a novel. Yet Burroughs then and always was merely writing books. He was not necessarily trying to change or explode the form of the novel. In Burroughs books, routines, raps, skits and rants are held together by the sinews of sharply etched narrative prose. learning him when he first appeared was like listening to a Lenny Bruce monologue. The characters who appeared were all carny voices--barkers, pushers, con men seeking rubes and marks--politicians, presidents of anti-fluoride societies, script-writing old saw bones lecturing on the viral nature of bureaucracy and the State.
Spiritual Healing :: essays research papers fc
An Exploration of Spiritual ameliorateThroughout time, mankind has constantly been seeking ways to maintain their healthfulness and to cure those that had non been so fortunate in that task. Just intimately everything has been experimented with as a cure for some caseful of infirmity whether somatogenetic or mental. There is also a third type of illness that can and is addressed, which is meliorate on the religious plan. According to research, most of the ghostlike healers atomic number 18 concentrated in primitive societies and undeveloped beas of the world. However, there are still undertones of reliance on spiritual healing in redbrick care for today and there are some in civilized, well developed parts of the world that have rejected modern medicine any together and adopted alternative healing methods. Even a person who does not believe in a higher universe actually takes part in this type cure simply by allowing the chemical medicines in his/her body to mend wha t is wrong. No matter what fall apart of society a person is in, no matter how advanced that especial(a) country is, there will always be traces of spiritual healing if not all-out practicing of it and it is and will continue to be a prodigious part of any healing process, large or small.There are numerous names for spiritual healers, but for simplicitys pastime and the fact that the concentration is on American Indian Medicine, all spiritual healers will be lumped together as Shaman unless otherwise specified. This does not mean that all healers will hold the same beliefs, or that a particular belief is not even held by a multitude known as Shamans, but rather a different type of healer. The grouping is just so that a detailed and confusing explaination of all the subsections of healers. If necessary, there will be specifications. Again , for clarification, definitions are provided to clear up any confusion. A Shaman is a person anchored securely in both the material world an d the spiritual realm-- a mediator if you will(shamanism 1). Therefore, Shamanism is a way of life revolving around interaction of the spiritual and physical worlds(Shamanism). The Shaman does not solely exist as other serviceman do they lead a totally different life in conjunction with their earthly duties within their tribe. The two are not bust by any means one has direct impact on the other, or so it is believed by those who study this form of healing.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The Godless Constitution Essay -- essays research papers
The impertinent ConstitutionWhen some people here the words the saucy reputation uttered the shrill up their noses and get very defensive. Kramnick and Moore address this humor of the join States Constitution being godless. They speak about how the States has misinterpreted views and how indian lodge would benefit from an under rest of what the Constitution stands for and how to correctly use it. They strive to armed service America understand that politics driven by religion and faith would do the most damage to the policy-making agenda. They also emphasize that America created the Constitution was created to make a persons religious standing irrelevant to hold office or voice a political opinion. They cover mevery topics addressed by the American unrestricted when exhausting to decide on the placement of God in our Constitution. They be report to help Americans gain a greater understanding of what our forefathers intended when writing the Constitution.To understand why these two men argon writing about The Godless Constitution, an approach on what they believe are Americas views is needed. In the first paragraph of the first chapter they render that they believe America argues over foolish things. They have come to the decisiveness that Americans misinterpret the intentions of the constitution in providing a giving medication for the people of the United States. They ask the question, Is America a Christian Nation?. They do non condemn religion of any sort but merely call down that iodin God is not in the constitution. One main centre is on the founders of the document. A major point made is that even though most of the founders were Christian and lived by Christian principles, the envision was of a godless sayment activity. Their reasoning behind this subject was not of irreverence but agency in religion too serve civil morality without intrude into politics. They believe in letting humans exercise their free pass on to believe in a G od or to reject the idea without their decision affecting their role in government. They refer to the one condemnation God is mentioned in the constitution, Article 6. This merely states that no religious turn out shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. This one statement is used to declare that America stands as a virtuoso and full... ...ted States to gather knowledge on how to regard religion in our government. They bring back a timeless solution to an understanding of what our government is trying to establish. They nominate the conception of America using this awareness of which the object was designed preferably of seeing one-sided views to our nation. As citizens in a democratic government an understanding of the reasons laws were created help gain knowledge about how society is to proceed. This government entertains people from politicians who stand for issues on religion. The Godless Constitution acknowledges t he large creation of Christians that created our Constitution. It does recognize they held the religious values strong while making the laws that govern our country. It also encourages the idea that they desired a godless government to protect the rights and freewill of mankind. Kramnick and Moore write not to solve problems of society, but to help the public gain awareness of our forefathers intentions when creating our government. The Constitution is godless, and for good reasons. It is up to the individual to decide whether or not our nation is.
Effects Of Technology :: essays research papers
The Effects of engine roomThere is no escape from technology. In most cases this is non a problem though. Many mess respect and admire technology because it is in that respect to benefit them. Without the technological advances we sacrifice had over the years, the world would not be what it is today. What people don&8217t understand is that technology can in truth be a bad thing. In society today, people are looking for to a greater extent and more ways to be entertained, and all it is doing is create problems. People are doing less and less thinking and more and more observance, listening, and playing, all because of technology.Forms of fun want the network, television and even video games be harmless to people, but they are really not. When the mesh was first introduced, people never thought it would be as big as it is today. The Internet is an easy to use technology that can do just most anything. But what people don&8217t understand is that the Internet is not all good. Much of the information posted on sites on the Internet is merely opinions, not factual information. When people look at this information, it looks and seems like trustful information, but most of the time, it is not. Although the Internet is a relatively crude technology, television has been around for about fifty years. There are umpteen problems with television though, mainly with the content of the shows. Many of the shows on television pose violence, drugs, sexual activity, and profanity. People who pump these shows see what the actors and actresses are doing and then notice it is all right for them to do the same things. If a kid is watching a show were one of the actors or actresses use profanity, they will intuitive feeling it is all right for them to use the same language. When television first came on the market about fifty years ago, families had one television at the most in the household, and most families only used the television for the news program or fo r an occasional show or two. Today, it is a rarity if you set only one television in a household. Most families have numerous televisions in their house and use it more and more for entertainment purposes. People of all ages are addicted to television. On average, people watch about thirty hours of television a week. But the people who go beyond this mark are known to society as &8220 waiting room potatoes.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown †The Romanticism and Realism Essay
Young Goodman Brown The romanticistism and pragmatism The reader finds in Nathaniel Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown a motley of realism and romanticism, with the former dominating the latter. Commenting on the presence of romanticism in Hawthornes short stories, Morse Peckham in The Development of Hawthornes Romanticism, negotiation about the authors usage of romantic themes In his ahead of time short stories and sketches Hawthorne was particularly concerned with three Romantic themes guilt, alienation, and historicism. These three argon so intimately intertwined in his work, as in most Romantics, that it is exceedingly difficult to separate them. . . .The Romantic historicist used the past for a double, integrated purpose. On the one hand it was a means for separating oneself from society.. . . .He can be aware of the failure of the institution to fulfill its avowed intentions and its social function. . . . Romantic historicism, therefore, is never an end in itself but a s trategy for placing the accepted social conditions in an ironic perspective. . . .(91-92) Peter Conn in decision a Voice in an New Nation comments on the fail of realism and romanticism in Hawthornes short stories Almost tout ensemble of Hawthornes finest stories are remote in time or place. The incandescence of contemporary reality immobillized his imagination. . . .Hawthorne, however, despite his disclaimers, had long since discovered in the aboriginal history of his own New England the ruins and gloomy wrongs he found congenial. The problematic geography of romance, that lanscape in which imagination and reality could collaborate in acts of transformation, had maybe disappeared f rom the bustling commercial world. . . but i... ... Essays, alter by A.N. Kaul. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Leavis, Q.D. Hawthorne as Poet. In Hawthorne A Collection of Critical Essays, redact by A.N. Kaul. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Melville, Her man. Hawthorne and His Mosses, The Literary World August 17, 24, 1850. http// Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Norton Anthology American Literature, redact by Baym et al. New York W.W. Norton and Co., 1995. Peckham, Morse. The Development of Hawthornes Romanticism. In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 1996. Swisher, Clarice. Nathaniel Hawthorne a Biography. In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 1996.
Saint Bernadette Soubirous :: essays research papers
Saint Bernadette SoubirousThe Soubirous family lived in the far north of the little town of Lourdes, inthe Lapaca district. A volumed stream flowed there, and on this stream there wereseven mills ace of them known as the Boly Mill, and this had been the residenceof the Soubirous. Francois Soubirous leased the mill from sexual relations of his wife,Louise. In numerous ways, it was the share of the miller that had brought the coupletogether. They had married on the parish church on 9th January 1843. By 1855,the family income had decreased drastically - trade was not good at the mill,and the Soubirous were not the best of business people often filled with commiserationfor the poor of the local people, they would tell their customers to pay whenthey were suitable to, and they never refused credit. And of rail line there was thefamily to raise, which further drained their resources. No longer being able topay for the rent of the mill, the Soubirous were forced to quit their dwelli ngs,give up the millers trade and take on whatever work they could find forthemselves. Francois Soubirous recalled that another relative owned a buildingin the Rue des Petits Fosss - this building was the former Lourdes jail. Theold jail was locally known as "the Cachot". The Soubirous were allowed to remainthere rent-free. Each evening, the family gathered around the old fireplace forfamily prayers. This concluded with the recitation of the Rosary - often led by maven of the Soubirous girls, Bernadette.BERNADETTEThe marriage of Francois Soubirous and Louise Casterot produced six children.The eldest of these was Bernadette. She was born on 7th January 1844, and wasbaptized the next day by Abb Forgues in the old parish church, being precondition thename of Marie Bernarde. Because of her small stature, she was always referred toby the diminutive form of the name, Bernadette. sextette months later, Louise wasexpecting a child because of this, Bernadette was entrusted to the care of awoman in near-by Bartres, Marie Aravant, who had righteous lost a baby boy. Shestayed there for 15 months. From her birth, Bernadette was a woebegone child,suffering even then from the asthma which would cause her so a great deal suffering thatlater, in the convent, she would beg the nurses to tear open her chest so thatshe might breathe. Because of her delicate constitution, her parents wouldattempt to give her little bits of food not available to the other children,such as white bread instead of black.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
The F.B.I. Essay examples -- FBI Police Crime Essays
The F.B.I.To remain the law through the investigation of violations of federal criminal law to hold dear the U.S. from foreign intelligence and terrorist activities to provide leadership and law enforcement assistance to federal, state, local, and transnational agencies and to perform these responsibilities in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the usual and is faithful to the constitution of the U.S. this is the military mission of the Federal representation of Investigation. The agency presently known as the Federal Bureau of Investigation was founded in 1908 when the attorney General appointed an un pick upd force of grammatical constituenticular(a) Agents to be the fact-finding force of the Department of Justice (DOJ). Before that time, the DOJ had to borrow Agents from the U.S. unfathomable Service to investigate violations of federal criminal laws within its jurisdiction. In 1909, the Special Agent Force was renamed the Bureau of Investigation, and after a series of name changes, it received its present official name in 1935. During the early full stop of the FBIs history, its agents investigated violations of mainly bankruptcy frauds, antitrust crime, and neutrality violation. During World War One, the Bureau was given the responsibility of investigating espionage, sabotage, sedition (resistance against lawful authority), and draft violations. The cosmos life of the National Motor Vehicle Theft Act in 1919 come on broadened the Bureaus jurisdiction. after(prenominal) the race of Prohibition in 1920, the gangster era began, bringing about a whole new type of crime. Criminals engaged in kidnapping and bank robbery, which were not federal crimes at that time. This changed in 1932 with the passage of a federal kidnapping statute. In 1934, many other federal criminal statutes were passed, and Congress gave Special Agents the authority to make arrests and to carry firearms. The FBIs size of it and jurisdiction during the second Wor ld War increased greatly and include intelligence matters in South America. With the end of that war, and the arrival of the Atomic Age, the FBI began conducting background signal security investigations for the White House and other government agencies, as surface as probes into internal security matters for the executive branch of the government. In the 1960s, well-behaved rights and organized crime became major concerns of the FBI, and counterterrorism, drugs, financial crime, and v... .... hold a bachelors academic degree obtained in an accredited four-year resident program at a college or university and 4. have three years full-time work experience, or suaveness in a language for which the Bureau has a need for. After graduation from the FBI Academy, a new Special Agent is assigned to an FBI vault of heaven office. This assignment is determined by the individuals special skills and the needs of the bureau. As part of their duties, Special Agents are required to relocate during their careers. Special Agents enter servicing in Grade GS 10 on the federal governments General register pay scale and can advance to Grade 13 in field assignment. In our society today, one of the most important things to us is our safety. Organizations like the FBI help protect us and investigate crimes to help celebrate future ones. Their motto is Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity, and I think that each one of those address is justified when it comes to describing the Federal Bureau of Investigation. When the duties of the FBI are stated in the mission it says to perform these duties in a manner that is responsive to the needs of the public and is faithful to the Constitution of the United States.
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