Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Negotiatin in construction essays
Negotiatin in construction essays Role of negotiations in construction Negotiation is a form of the decision-making process where two or more parties jointly search a space of possible solutions with the goal of reaching a consensus. In the construction industry, collaboration is an essential key for the success of projects. Since different participants from different organizations try to work together in projects, competitive stresses exist in their relationships and as a result, disputes or conflicts may inevitably occur; negotiation is preferred by project participants for the settlement of claims. Negotiation plays an important role in resolving claims, preventing disputes, and keeping a harmonious relationship between project participants. However, claims negotiations are commonly inefficient due to the diversity of intellectual background, many variables involved, complex interactions, and inadequate negotiation knowledge of project participants. Most project managers consider negotiation as the most time- and energy-consuming activity in claims management. To address the complex technical and human issues in negotiation, several important negotiation theories and principles have been developed, which mainly include game theory, economic theory, behavior theory, and negotiation theory. Game theory seeks to get at the essentials of decision making and the associated strategies in situations where two or more parties are interdependent, and where, therefore, the outcome of their conflict and competition must be the product of their joint requirements and the interaction of their separate choices (Bacharach and Lawler 1981). Classical game theory approaches are essentially static models in which it is assumed that each player decides in advance before the game actually starts, what move he/she will make to maximize his/her own gain in any possible situation that may arise (Gulliver Economic theory seeks to develop dynamic models of pr...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Iron Age - Social and Technological Advances
The Iron Age - Social and Technological Advances The European Iron Age (~800-51 BC) (see also the African Iron Age) is what archaeologists have called that period of time in Europe when the development of complex urban societies was spurred by intensive manufacturing of bronze and iron, and extensive trading in and out of the Mediterranean basin. At the time, Greece was flourishing, and the Greeks saw an explicit division between the cultured peoples of the Mediterranean, as compared to the barbaric northerners of central, western and northern Europe. Some scholars have argued that it was Mediterranean demand for exotic goodssalt, furs, amber, gold, slaves, foodstuffs, eventually iron weaponrythat drove the interaction and led to the growth of an elite class in the hillforts of central Europe. Hillfortsfortified settlements located on the tops of hills above Europes major riversbecame numerous during the early Iron Age, and many of them do show the presence of Mediterranean goods. European Iron Age dates are traditionally set between the approximate period when iron became the principal tool-making material and the Roman conquests of the last century BC. Iron production was first established during the Late Bronze Age but did not become widespread in central Europe until 800 BC, and in northern Europe by 600 BC. Chronology of the Iron Age 800-450 BC (Early Iron AgeHallstatt in central Europe, Jastorf in north central Europe) The early part of the Iron Age is called the Hallstatt culture, and it was during this time in central Europe that elite chiefs rose in power, perhaps as a direct result of their connections to the Mediterranean Iron Age of classical Greece and the Etruscans. Hallstatt chiefs built or rebuilt a handful of hillforts in eastern France and southern Germany, and maintained an elite lifestyle. Hallstatt sites: Heuneburg, Hohen Asberg, Wurzburg, Breisach, Vix, Hochdorf, Camp de Chassey, Mont Lassois, Magdalenska Gora, and Vace 450-50 BC (Late Iron Age, La Tà ¨ne) Between 450-400 BC, the Hallstatt elite system collapsed, and power shifted to a new set of people, under what was at first more egalitarian society. The La Tà ¨ne culture grew in power and wealth because of their location on important trade routes used by the Mediterranean Greeks and Romans to acquire status goods. References to Celts, conflated with Gauls and meaning central European barbarians, came from the Romans and Greeks; and the La Tà ¨ne material culture is broadly agreed to represent those groups. Eventually, population pressure within the populous La Tà ¨ne zones forced younger La Tà ¨ne warriors out, beginning the massive Celtic migrations. La Tà ¨ne populations moved southward into Greek and Roman areas, conducting extensive and successful raids, even into Rome itself, and eventually including most of the European continent. A new settlement system including central defended settlements called oppida were located in Bavaria and Bohemia. These were not princely residences, but instead residential, commercial, industrial and administrative centers that focused on trade and production for the Romans. La Tene sites: Manching, Grauberg, Kelhim, Singindunum, Stradonice, Zvist, Bibracte, Toulouse, Roquepertuse Lifestyles of the Iron Age By ca 800 BC, most of the people in northern and western Europe were in farming communities, including the essential grain crops of wheat, barley, rye, oats, lentils, peas, and beans. Domesticated cattle, sheep, goats and pigs were used by Iron Age people; different parts of Europe relied on different suites of animals and crops, and many places supplemented their diets with wild game and fish and nuts, berries and fruit. The first barley beer was produced. Villages were small, usually under a hundred people in residence, and the homes were built of wood with sunken floors and wattle and daub walls. It wasnt until near the end of the Iron Age that larger, town-like settlements began to appear. Most communities manufactured their own goods for trade or use, including pottery, beer, iron tools, weapons, and ornaments. Bronze was most popular for personal ornaments; wood, bone, antler, stone, textiles and leather were also used. Trade goods between communities included bronze, Baltic amber and glass objects, and grinding stones in places far from their sources. Social Change in the Iron Age By the late 6th century BC, construction had begun on fortresses on the tops of hills. Building within the Hallstatt hillforts was quite dense, with rectangular timber-framed buildings built close together. Below the hilltop (and outside the fortifications) lay extensive suburbs. Cemeteries had monumental mounds with exceptionally rich graves indicating social stratification. The collapse of the Hallstatt elites saw the rise of La Tà ¨ne egalitarians. Features associated with La Tene include inhumation burials and the disappearance of elite tumulus-style burials. Also indicated is a rise in the consumption of millet (Panicum miliaceum). The fourth century BC began the out-migration of small groups of warriors from the La Tà ¨ne heartland towards the Mediterranean Sea. These groups waged terrific raids against the inhabitants. One result was a discernible drop in the population at early La Tene sites. Beginning in the middle of the second century BC, connections with the Mediterranean Roman world steadily increased and appeared to stabilize. New settlements such as Feddersen Wierde became established as production centers for Roman military bases. Marking the traditional end of what archaeologists consider the Iron Age, Caesar conquered Gaul in 51 BC and within a century, Roman culture became established in central Europe. Sources Beck CW, Greenlie J, Diamond MP, Macchiarulo AM, Hannenberg AA, and Hauck MS. 1978. The chemical identification of baltic amber at the Celtic oppidum Starà © Hradisko in Moravia. Journal of Archaeological Science 5(4):343-354.Bujnal J. 1991. Approach to the study of the Late Hallstatt and Early La Tà ¨ne periods in eastern parts of Central Europe: results from comparative classification of Knickwandschale. Antiquity 65:368-375.Cunliffe B. 2008. The Three Hundred Years that Changed the World: 800-500 BC. Chapter 9 in Europe Between the Oceans. Themes and Variations: 9000 BC-AD 1000. New Haven: Yale University Press. p, 270-316Hummler M. 2007. Bridging the gap at La Tà ¨ne. Antiquity  81:1067-1070.Le Huray JD, and Schutkowski H. 2005. Diet and social status during the La Tà ¨ne period in Bohemia: Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of bone collagen from Kutn Hora-Karlov and Radovesice. Journal of Anthropological Archa eology 24(2):135-147.Loughton ME. 2009. Getting smashed: the deposition of amphorae and the drinking of wine in Gaul during the late Iron Age. Oxford Journal Of Archaeology 28(1):77-110. Marciniak A. 2008. Europe, Central and Eastern. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. New York: Academic Press. p 1199-1210.Wells PS. 2008. Europe, Northern and Western: Iron Age. In: Pearsall DM, editor. Encyclopedia of Archaeology. London: Elsevier Inc. p 1230-1240.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Integrating Ethics into Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Integrating Ethics into Practice - Essay Example The two concepts keep me in my toes as a business professional. Going concern keeps my eyes set on the ultimate goal as a professional to always keep the business functional and viable. All other concepts will become nil if the business will stop its going concern. Costs tests my acumen as a business professional because it determines how well I keep this within a controllable limit to keep the business operational and profitable and sustain it as a going concern business. The 11 FASB concepts which are money measurement, Entity, Going concern, Cost, Dual aspect, Accounting period, Conservation, Realization, Matching, Consistency and Materiality sets the guidelines of the ethical practice of an accounting professional and a business person. This serves as the standards of the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) whereby financial statements that are prepared by a business should conform
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Cell phones and brain cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Cell phones and brain cancer - Research Paper Example That is nearly one in two people in the globe have a cell phone attached to their identity. This statistic makes it clear that cell phones have become inevitable to our lives. A link has been identified between some kinds of electromagnetic radiation and some cancers. These forms of electromagnetic radiation include â€Å"ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays. They are dangerous because they may break covalent chemical bonds in your body. Breakage of certain covalent bonds in key molecules leads to an increased cancer risk.†(Leikind) It is claimed that Radio Frequency (RF) waves employed by cell phones are not in the same grouping as these harmful radiations. RF is a type of electromagnetic radiation that falls between â€Å"FM radio waves and those used in microwave ovens, satellite stations, and radar†. (Leikind) Those who defend the safety of cell phones point out that the device does not emit ionizing radiation, which has the potential to create chemical changes to molecules in the human body. In other words, in the absence of ionizing radiation, the human DNA will not be damaged by cell phone usage. It is argued that cell phones â€Å"emit nonionizing radiation, which has lower energy and a longer wavelength than ionizing radiation. Nonionizing radiation is not strong enough to change an atoms structure, but it can heat tissue. The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) places a limit on the amount of RF energy that can be absorbed from a cell phone into the users local tissues--the specific absorption rate (SAR)--at 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg).†(Liberatore 70) Hence, those cell phone devices that abide by FCC regulation on heat limit should be safe for usage. This is backed by recent research evidence as well, which suggest that short-term exposure to cell phones might cause no harm whatsoever. But in terms of long-term usage, results from a review of 18 studies on cell phone use of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Self-Awareness Understanding Essay Example for Free
Self-Awareness Understanding Essay The short story Jonathan Livingston Seagull says a lot about self-awareness. At the beginning of the short story in part one the seagull Jonathan Livingston Seagull is beginning to become self-aware by focusing on trying to become the perfect seagull. In his progression to be more than the average seagull, by learning to fly he is learning about self-awareness. During his practices he begins to see what he truly can do and what the Flock is missing out on. This short story tells me that going along with everyone else and not thinking for myself or about my own actions inhibits my learning to become independent and fully realize the self. By doing what he wanted to do, Jonathan found out what the Flock was missing out on. When he tried to explain the dilemma the Flock was in they ignored it and threw out this attempt at change. It was a terrible loss for the Flock, but tremendous gain for Jonathan. Being outcast from the Flock allowed him to further excel in his self-awareness capabilities. He had a clear perception of what he was. The two seagulls who lead Jonathan to a â€Å"higher place†, which had been exposed to this way of thinking, helped Jonathan on his path. This may say that in order to be fully self-aware one must accept others with that similar way of thinking. In doing so one can spread the knowledge to others who are less self-aware or not self-aware at all, like to individuals who are hindered by their chains of routine and their disability to think for themselves. This story promotes self-awareness by making the main character venture off on his escapade that is viewed as negative by the Elders. They see his methods as wrong and â€Å"un-seagull like†, whereas Jonathan sees it as how seagulls should be. The Elders’ minds are clouded and they, along with everyone else in the Flock who adheres to the Elders’ words are not self-aware. By going on this unconventional adventure to better himself, the story speaks to me that I shoul d also become more self-aware or master the ability. To me it seems as if the Jonathan could be me and the Flock is supposed to be the rest of the world, and in taking this class I am going on his journey to another world with a few select others who are on the same path (the other students in this class). I feel as if the author wants the reader to develop his or her own self-awareness by focusing on his or her own personality and behavior. Only by learning about myself and reviewing what I do can I fully develop my self-awareness. Others cannot teach it to me. They can only teach me to teach myself. I cannot simply read about being self-aware to master it. I must place myself in worldly situations and learn from each and every experience. I am separate from the environment and other individuals. When I want good, solid information, I turn to the experts. So, who am I going to turn to for information about myself? Who is the expert? I am. Does a friend, a therapist, a minister, my hero, my parents know more about me than I do? They cant. I live in my skin and mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, day in and day out. No one is closer to me than me! The answers are in there, perhaps all I need to solve these riddles is a useful question. In truth, I do not remember if I practice self-awareness regularly. My memory isn’t too good, so remembering this does not always go as smooth as I would think. I am however very self-aware, so I must have done it right over the past years. Thinking back on times I do remember, I can examine those experiences in which I felt certain ways and why. That train of thought can help in teaching me about me. A personal example is the time I gave a speech in Public Speaking and recorded myself talking. This was an excellent way to get to that part of me. By going back and watching that video I learned a great many things about myself that I previously had not. If we had recordings of our daily lives I think it would be easier for people to be self-aware because most of the time people do without thinking. If I had that back up it would greatly increase learning about my own self. Also, living in a country in which I was not born is a great help in understanding my individuality. It helps because I do not just flock to join crowds because I know what I am not. I think it would be a great help to go to another place and experience a different culture especially if it is far different than the original. It can quickly show how much of an individual a person is. I think that is how Jonathan Livingston Seagull developed his self-awareness so quickly. He did not fit in with the rest of his Flock even when he tried to be like them. He promised he would not go back to his previous ways of individualism, but he could not keep his promise because it was not who he was. It’s funny how people say, â€Å"How can I be someone besides myself?†Until one looks in a mirror and says, â€Å"Wait, that’s not me, is it?†To choose to be myself I have to be what I want, do what I want, and feel what I want. Following others’ ways of living causes them to become just like the person they are following. To be myself I have to make my own path and separate myself from everyone else. I must watch myself and get to know myself by observing my actions because I have not a clone to inquire about. It would be much easier, but sadly we have only ourselves to rely on in the situation that is self-awareness. Until people learn this, they are flawed and not truly who they claim to be.
Friday, November 15, 2019
WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme Scandals Essay example -- Finance A
WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme are both large financial scandals that have occurred. WorldCom was a telecommunication company that overstated their cash flow by reporting $7.6 billion in operating expenses as capital expenses. WorldCom is the largest accounting scandal in US history as of March 2002. The Mississippi Scheme was a business scheme that destroyed the economy of France during the 1700’s. The scheme involved the loss of paper money’s purchasing power as a result of asset inflation. Both WorldCom and The Mississippi Scheme were frauds involving manipulation to create higher stock prices and dubious practices within the organizations to keep the public unaware. Bernie Ebbers was the founder and CEO of WorldCom. He took a small telecommunications firm and transformed it into an industry giant before it collapsed into bankruptcy in 2002. The stock prices of WorldCom began to fall in 2000 and in order to prevent the price from falling further WorldCom made mass loans to Ebbers to stop him from selling his stock. He initiated the fraud and false reporting. He did not give accounting details as to how the false reporting should occur but he did repeatedly say it was important to â€Å"make the numbers.†Scott Sullivan was the CFO and on the board of directors of WorldCom. He oversaw the conspiracy to hide operating expenses in order to improve reported profits of the company. He advised Bernie Ebbers to inform the public of the WorldCom’s deteriorating situation but Sullivan’s advice was not taken. Ebbers had instructed Sullivan to adjust the accounting numbers. David Myers was the controller of WorldCom. He instructed the accounting department to make billions of dollars in adjustments to financial state... ...t themselves. The Duke de Bourbon and the Prince de Conti were members of the council of the regency. They abused their positions and their influence to see that measures were taken to get the shares to rise while in their hands in order to make huge profits. This is similar to Ebbers and Sullivan selling shares of stock in 2000 when they had inside information that the stock price would be falling. Ebbers was offered a loan instead of selling his shares, though. WorldCom and the Mississippi Scheme were both major financial scandals of their time. These scandals have similarities and differences. WorldCom was the second largest phone company in the United States as of 1998. The Mississippi Scheme was a plan that affected every household in France during the 1700’s. Both scandals would never have occurred if the people in charge would not have been fraudulent.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Eat Less Meat
Speech Title: Eat Less Meat! General Purpose:Persuasive Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to eat less meat. Thesis Statement: Eating meat is becoming an increasing demand and issue in society, it can be solve with the help of all of us. I. â€Å"Meat is a symbol of affluence, and it becomes an addiction and a habit,†says Henry Spira, coordinator of Animal Rights International†The average meat eater is responsible for the deaths of some 2,400 animals during his or her lifetime. (E Magazine. ) A. In late 1992, Lauren Beth ate a fast-food cheeseburger laced with E. oli. She was attacked by hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a wasting disease that invades nearly every organ in the body and destroys the blood's ability to clot. Lauren Beth succumbed to a heart attack a few days before the beginning of 1993, a year which would be marked by a massive outbreak of E. coli and the deaths of three children at Seattle, Washington Jack in the Box restaurants. (E Mgaz ine) B. Today, I would to discuss how we meet eaters could reduce or needs for meat and substitute other foods for it. C.Eating meat is becoming an increasing demand and issue in society, it can be solve, with the help of all of us. II. Body A. Need: Many human beings really on meat for their meals. 1. Although the consumption of meat is very popular, we can change that by consuming less meat and becoming open minded on other food that would work for you. 2. Global meat demand is expected to grow by 56 percent to 2020 according to the magazine of Animals today. 3. In the E Magazine it mentions a interviews with a slaughterhouse worker that said. On the farm where I work,†reports one employee, â€Å"they drag the live ones who can't stand up anymore out of the crate. They put a metal snare around her ear or foot and drag her full length of the building. These animals are just screaming in pain or they are often skinned alive. †4. The bacteria are a particular proble m in hamburger, because the grinding process spreads it throughout the meat. E. coli, was one of the leading cause of kidney failure in young children. (E Magazine). Transition Now that I’ve told you the impacts that it has, is there a way to resolve it? B.Satisfaction: We should all think about what would be the best for our country and its citizens 1. Reduced consumption of animal products and increased intake of fiber-rich carbohydrates, fresh fruit and vegetables are recommended to minimize the risk of heart disease, mature onset diabetes, obesity, and possibly some cancers. (De Fraga) 2. There is some evidence to suggest that the human digestive system was not designed for meat consumption and processing ,which could help explain why there is such high incidence of heart disease, hypertension, and colon and other cancers. Jim Motavalli) 3. By eliminating little by little for consuming meat we are saving the environment, animals and even our health. Transition: W ill these solutions work? C. Visualization: 1. In the E Magazine it said that In the U. S. , according to a 1998 Vegetarian Journal survey, 82 percent of vegetarians are motivated by health concerns, 75 percent by ethics, the environment and/or animal rights, 31 percent because of taste and 26 percent because of economics. (Jim Motavalli) 2.The American Dietetic Association says in a position statement, â€Å"Appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, are nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. †(Jim Motavalli) 3. One percent of the public, or between two and three million, is vegetarian (eats no meat or fish, but may eat dairy and/or eggs), with a third to half of them living on a vegan diet (eschewing all animal products). Roughly five percent in both studies â€Å"never eat red meat. †(Jim Motavalli) III. Conclusion: A.Call to Action:  It's not always easy to do–mos t environmentalists still eat meat–but the tide is beginning to turn. 1. CONTACT: International Vegetarian Union, (202)362-VEGY, www. ivu. org Gives information on the vegetables that you can substitute for meat. (Motavalli) 2. CONTACT: For a free copy of PETA's Vegetarian Starter Kit, visit www. goveg. com/VegKit 3. CONTACT: Center for a Livable Future (410)223-1608 B. Cutting back on our meat intake is on step to help benefit our health, environment, and the animals. 1.If you eat a couple of meals less of meat each week, you're doing, yourself and the planet, you're doing all of us a favor. – Rene Montagne Works Cited De Fraga, Carole. â€Å"Eat Less Meat  It’s Costing the Earth. †Animals Today 2 Nov. 2004: 17-18. EBSCO Host. Web. 27 Sept. 2012. Montagne, Renee. â€Å"Letters: Eating Meat for Environmental Reasons? †Morning Edition 30 Jan. 2009: n. pag. EBSCO Host. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. Motavalli, Jim. â€Å"The Case against Meat. †E Magazine Jan. -Feb. 2002: 26-33. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. – – -. â€Å"The Trouble with Meat. †E Magazine May-June 1998: 28-35. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 27 Sept. 2012.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
IP Addresses Classes and Special-Use IP Address Space Essay
IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) assigned Internet Protocol Address to the vendors. Internet Protocol version four divided by five structure classes. The five structure classes are A, B, C, D, and E classes. What are the historical signification for classes A, B, and C? What are the address spaces for each class? What are RFC 1918 Internet Protocol address ranges and its special use? The first three classes (A, B, C) are mainly for public use, and the last two classes (D and E) are for experimental and reserved for multicast. The first octet in the Internet Protocol Address determines its structure class. Class A addresses are ranges from one to one hundred and twenty-six in the first octet. Class B addresses are ranges from one hundred twenty-eight to one hundred and ninety-one in the first octet. Class C addresses are ranges from one hundred and ninety-two to two hundred and twenty-three in the first octet. Class D addresses are ranges from two hundreds and twenty-four to two hundred and thirty-nine in the first octet. Finally, class D addresses are ranges from two hundred and forty to two hundred and fifty in the first octet. Class A Internet Protocol addresses are reversed for a few large organizations. The network identifiers in class A are the remaining seven bits of the first octet. Class A addresses are available up to sixteen millions host addresses. Class B addresses are for medium sized enterprise. The first two octets (16 bits) in class B Internet Protocol addresses are for network addresses. The last two octets (16 bits) in class B are for the host addresses. Class B addresses has more than 65,000 networks. Class C Internet Protocol addresses are commonly found networks in the internet. Class C Internet Protocol are private addresses. The first three octets (twenty-one bits) in class C addresses are for network addresses. The last octets (eight bits) in Class C address are for host identifiers. There are more than sixteen millions network addresses in Class C Internet Protocol. Class D Internet Protocol addresses are for multicasting and is not for general use. Class D addresses are not used for public.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Project management Essay Example
Project management Essay Example Project management Essay Project management Essay Monitor Manpower efficiency wastage of material. ? Monitoring of site implementation following the checklist provided by Client. ? Review Drawings, Specifications and co-ordinate all necessary inspection during course of job. ? Assist in technical meetings with Client when needed. ? Required Material deliveries on site properly. ? Site visits to check the quality of work. ? Analyzing Logistical problems and producing new solutions. ? Maintain and provide records and reports. Plan and implement all activities for acquiring supplies, services, tools, equipments and material as required to support contract operations. ? Joint survey with Client to evaluate additional item to review the progress of work. ? Providing technical support to Sub Engineers / Supervisors if required. ? Analyze Survey reports, As-built drawings and other geological data o plan the Projects. ? Supervision of Site binders preparation and documentation. ? To make sure the successful PAT and Quality Checklist during PAT. ? Manage daily activities related to Engineering works. Quality check of all civil works prior to forwarding inspection request to Consultant. ? Work with Finance Department to ensure the smooth flow of finance for the Projects. ? I am responsible for the day-to-day oversight of the Contractor to ensure compliance with the terms, conditions and requirements of the Contract. ? Handling of Contractor’s workers issues. ? Ensure the Acceptance or Unacceptability of services/materials/equipment required under the Contract by the Contractor. ? Monitor Contractors performance to ensure quality of service. Development of policies, procedures and goals for area of responsibility. ? Supervising tendering procedures and putting together proposals.FEBRUARY 2005 TO SEPTEMBER 2005 COMPANY: LCC Siporex LOCATION: Riyadh – Saudi Arabia DESIGNATION: Sales Engineer PROJECT: Sales PRODUCT: Light Weight Blocks and Panels RESPONSIBILITIES: ? Responsible for development and delivery of product demonstrations. Responsible for representing the product to customers and at field events such as conferences, seminars, etc ? Able to respond to functional and technical elements of Product. ? Able to convey customer requirements to Product Management teams. ? Able to travel throughout sales territory. ? Developing and growing long-term relationships with customers. ? Persuading clients that a product or service best satisfies their needs in terms of Quality, Price and Delivery. ? Analyzing costs and sales. ? Supporting marketing activities by attending trade shows, conferences nd other marketing events. ? Supervising and helping in the Design / Drawings of custom-made products. ? Recording and maintaining client contact data. FEBRUARY 2004 TO FEBRUARY 2005 COMPANY: AMAQ Contracting Company LOCATION: Riyadh – Saudi Arabia DESIGNATION: Site Engineer PROJECT: Building Construction RenovationCLIENT: Riyadh Bank Samba Bank RESPONSIBILITIES: Liaise with drafting coordinator for detail drawing preparation. ? Assigning of duties to Supervisors, technical staff labors. ? Negotiating and coordination skills with Consultant, colleagues and contractors. ? Making judgments and solving problems. ? Managing budgets and other project resources. ? Compiling, checking and approving reports. ? Adopting all relevant requirements around issues such as building permits, environmental regulations, sanitary design, good manufacturing practices and safety on all work assignments. Ensuring that a project runs smoothly and that the structure is completed on time and within budget. ? Managing change, as the client may change his or her mind about the design, and identifying, formalizing and notifying relevant parties of changes in the project. ? Ensuring the quality of workmanship. ? Dealing with the logistics of materials, equipments etc used on site. ? Conveying of Material demand to Purchase Department. PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIP: DECEMBER 2002 TO DECEMBER 2003 COMPANY: JHC (Pvt) Ltd.LOCATION: Multan – Pakistan DESIGNATION: Trainee Engineer PROJECT: Mosque Construction CLIENT: Bahauddin Zakariya University RESPONSIBILITIES: ? Estimation of Brick Work Concrete work. ? Checking and implementing various shop drawings. ? Submission of monthly progress report to Site Manager. ? Review Drawings and specifications to coordinate all necessary inspection during course of job. ? Perform any other duties as directly assign by the Site Manager.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
When to Use Dear and Deer
When to Use Dear and Deer The words dear and deer are homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings.As an adjective or adverb, dear means greatly loved or valued, high-priced, or earnest. (Dear is used with a name as a polite form of address.) As a noun, dear refers to a person who is loved or whos endearing. As an interjection, dear is used to express surprise, sympathy, or distress. The noun deer refers to a hoofed, ruminant mammal. (Plural, deer.) Examples It was hard to say goodbye to such dear friends.My family paid a terrible price, perhaps too dear a price for my commitment.(Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom, 2008)Her dear students were gaping like guppies, their eyes unblinking and their little mouths opening and closing silently. (Joan Hess, Dear Miss Demeanor, 2007)She took the fall bravely, whacking her thigh painfully on the dressing-table corner. Oh dear, she gasped. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. (Kate Morton, The Distant Hours, 2010)The deer is a remarkably adaptable animal, one that can live almost anywhere.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Cloud-based BPM Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cloud-based BPM Model - Essay Example The organization of these activities alongside human/system factors through a systematic workflow, enable a business to gain not only an extraordinary visibility but the entire control over their daily operation (Dumas,LaRosa,Mendling and Reijers, 2013).It can be used by employees to troubleshoot anomalies in business orders or determine missing items as well. The BPM mainly revolves around the cycling processes and begins at the model phase that provides the basic approach to continuous improvement of the business processes. All aspects of the BPM are implemented in their respective phase in relation to detailed activities involved in each phase. The first cycle begins with capturing the processes in model phase that entails the purpose for analyzing current business processes. The analysis in the model results to improved version of the business process, further design, implementation and evaluation. BPM emerged not only as a management principle tool but also as a suite of softwar e solutions to overcome the deficiencies in traditional business process applications. Although the BPM has been established to be very successful, serious obstacles persist in its enterprise-scale implementation. Variable such as startup costs, resource availability and technical limitation cannot be undermined. Premises are the responsible for the installation of their own BPM. This is a challenge to business premises since the upfront outlay cost requires a lot of capital. Installation of the BPM.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Educational Reform from a Personal Perspective Essay
Educational Reform from a Personal Perspective - Essay Example That is, I plan on becoming a better person so as to facilitate the introduction of a better educator that I believe I can become given the opportunities and challenges that are certain to come my way. For the next few years I will strive to apply the proper level of knowledge in creating different approaches in teaching that are constructive and applicable to my students. I will endeavor to incorporate technology and current trends in carrying out my academic goals and will constantly be on the lookout for current and up to-date methodologies and tenets in teaching. I will be more conscious to differences in culture, levels of perception, behavior and other factors that mark the individuality of a student and will be more receptive and responsive to the needs that such distinction may call for. Most importantly, I will work hard to prepare my students to think critically and take on responsibilities in the context of life in general and not look at the school as an indispensable ins titution that must be hurdled as an entry-way to life, but as a celebration that will mark their readiness to take on a more complex journey. †¢ What steps are necessary to get you to your goals? What obstacles might you foresee and how will you overcome them? For the following years, I plan to develop a personal teaching style that would integrate cultural, academic and behavioral diversity by establishing a learning environment that highlights personal dignity and acceptance. That is, this method would take into consideration the geographic communities around the school and will engage the students in a multi-faceted education which would bring about character formation and social awareness (Dana 2009). This method would likewise teach my students to be conscious of verbal, non-verbal, as well as verbal underpinnings in communication so as to attain a more open and interested schoolroom where the students will be conscious of their peers which would foster community collabora tion and peer support (Dewey 1997). I want to be able to establish a teaching method where the classroom is a place where the students learn and not just from their teachers, but from themselves as well. I am envisioning a transformation of the schoolroom from a place where the teachers teach and the students listen into a ceremony where everyone will take part in the teaching and everyone will benefit from learning. †¢ What is one principle from the INTASC Principles website that you feel you must improve the most to be effective in the education profession? What existing professional development programs might you pursue to address the need to improve in this area? The tenth principle under the Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) stresses the importance of fostering interpersonal relationships in order to promote the well-being of the students and place them healthier environment that would facilitate a better academic and personal growth. I hav e always believed that learning is a process more complex that having to listen and perceive (Dana 2009). I have always believed that several factors affect learning ability and that it could not be blamed solely on state funding, federal government priorities or even the quality of the educators (Gorton 2008). After all, the government may devote billions of dollars to education and the
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