Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Failure In Small Business Essay
It is actually a fact that only about 53% of small businesses are not able to keep on trading after three years after their preliminary set up. Some of the businesses fail within their first year of operation. There are so many reasons why this tends to happen. However, business failure does not only happen with the new businesses but it also happen to those businesses which have been in operation for quite some time regardless of how successful they tend to be. Even if business failure happens to all sizes of businesses, the small businesses are very much affected by larger threats for the reason that they do not have the support of additional money as well as resources that the big companies have. Business failure does not only come about through the problems experienced in your own company, they can as well be achieved as a subsidiary effect from dealings made by other businesses, clients and suppliers. It is very necessary for one to identify the premature signs of business failure in order to solve the problem before it is too late (Dwight, 1993). Finally, the business failure comes about when the business has gone beyond a point where it can not continue operating in business any long without encountering supplementary troubles. These troubles might not offer any feasible solutions and for one to go ahead in trading, he or she has to put him or her self in even deeper problems. When the business has reached this point, it is very important for one to acknowledge the business failure early or else he or she will face increased financial as well as legal troubles when trying to save his or her business or he can even go further and put his business to rest. There so many causes of business failure. So many businesses fail because several managers do not incorporate accounting as well as accounting practices to a practical level in their business. Despite the fact that they don’t posses all the accounting knowledge, they really suffer from the lack of financial control together with the problems concerning the cash flow which leads to business failure. If one has a weak accountancy expertise, he is likely to employ a very knowledgeable bookkeeper to manage the financial records on a regular basis. It is very important for one to have somebody who can comprehend the monetary accounts plus the management accounts. Before starting up the business one is supposed to find some time to learn the financial management skills (Claire, 1998). Lack of funds is also another cause of business failure. If one finds out that he does not have enough capital to start up the business, he is supposed to wait until the time when he has saved enough money he needs before starting up a business. If one risks and starts up a business without enough capital then the fellow is destined for business failure. Lack of funds usually leads to too much borrowing and as a result, the business becomes insolvent for the reason that the liabilities becomes too high than the assets. Bankruptcy is a very common result as in it has a cycle of poor management. Lack of funds can also come through competition. As much as the business is offering competitive prices, the business will end up making little profit margin hence it will be too difficult to fund other areas within the business. High costs of finance is another cause of business failure because it can be so disastrous as soaring interest rates as well as unfavorable compensation schedules are so much ignored due to the difficulty of financing the business (John, 1994). As a matter of fact, it is very necessary for one to manage his or her finance with a very keen concern towards interest as well as repayment schedules in order to avoid the business becoming insolvent in the early moments. The collection of data is rather a frustrating process. One needs to persuade the potential data providers to take part. One has to convince them about the value of the information to the business. I provided the incentives for sources to participate such as the clean copy of the eventual database of the relative data to the rest of the database. Eventually I drew a data table in the business notebook to help during the collection of data. A data table ensured that the business is consistent in recording data and it makes it easier to analyze the results of the business. The techniques which were used during the collection of data are data mining techniques. I sorted from large amounts of data and picked out the information because it is the analytic process which is desired to discover data (Claire, 1998). It is expected that all the business persons must have a clear understanding of the failure points in future. Another outcome is that all the business persons must stay in business successfully by not selling cheap products or service. He is not intending to impress the customers but all business persons are supposed to make people feel that they are not getting ripped off. In future all business persons must learn to begin businesses with enough capital. The business person must always learn to hire more staff when there is too much work to be done. They are not supposed to get behind on the work or else the clients will not feel happy. The business is intending to get sufficient operating funds. The business will require the costs of starting and the costs of staying the business in operation. Enough funds are needed in order to cover all the costs until sales can finally pay for these costs. However, all the funds will be borrowed from the bank which will be repayable after the business picks up. References Claire, W. (1998). Risky Business: The Personal and Financial Costs of Small Business Failure. California: Policy Studies Institute. Dwight, R. (1993). Failure and Progress. New Mexico: Cato Institute. John, L. (1984). Success and Failure in Small Business. New York: Gower Publishing Company. John, H. (1991). Measurement of Success and Failure in Small Business. Washington: Curtin University of Technology. John, E. (1963). Small Business Instability and Failure. Alabama: Bureau of Business Research.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Monsoon Wedding And East Is East Film Studies Essay
The ‘ethics of regard ‘ in both movies was coming from different positions. Monsoon Wedding, the regard was an insider and East is East the regard was an foreigner. The professor in the talk spoke about how Monsoon Wedding was about a Punjabi household and the scene was in New Delhi, India, which is a familiar district for Mira Nair, the manager of the movie. This may besides be one of the grounds why Monsoon Wedding has an insider ‘s position to the Indian Punjabi civilization. An illustration of the insider ‘s position is when the nuptials planner/decorator Mr. Dubey fell in love with the artlessness of the amah and the simpleness of her character. This was a small hard for me as a spectator to understand because the construct explored much traditional Indian civilization which a western audience may non be familiar with. This movie shows the positions of secondary characters and the viewing audiences as the others. An illustration of this is, when Aditi â⠂¬Ëœs cousin who has come from a Western state to go to the nuptials, he is shown as ‘out of topographic point ‘ in footings of civilization and ethnicity, which this movie captures attractively through music, linguistic communication, nutrient, idiosyncrasy, and apparels. The film showed many struggles through the emotions of the characters. An illustration of this is when Aditi was acquiring engaged, it was a happy juncture but her facial looks gave away her emotions of unhappiness. This directs the spectator ‘s understandings towards the characters and forces us to mime the emotions by acquiring the audience ‘s empathy. Many of the emotions of the characters are expressed through lighting and camera work. An first-class illustration of this is the scene where Aditi ‘s male parent and female parent go into her room where she is kiping and look at their girl, how grown up she has gotten. This scene was shot at dark, but the lighting and camera captures the male parent and the female parent ‘s facial look in such a elusive manner that the viewing audiences might non detect, but they are emotionally sympathizing with the male parent. East is East on the other manus was filmed through an foreigner ‘s position. I surely felt that when watching the film because foremost the scene of this film was in England in the seventiess. Second, the secret plan showed the Muslim Pakistani civilization in a satirical manner which I believe may do the position of the film as the foreigner. The professor mentioned in the talk that the construct of ‘the other ‘ is shown as alien and beautiful in East is East. The regard in this movie is of the other and hence all characters are shown as being invariably measured by the viewing audiences. This movie touches upon many sensitive issues such as ethnicity, faith and marginalisation of civilizations. As an immigrant myself in Canada, this film aroused my emotions for all the characters including the male parent. At first when watching the movie, it seemed that the male parent was shown as a negative character, but subsequently on in the film I sympathized with the male parent. That is, he is shown to be torn between two civilizations and keeping on really tightly to each. Issues of individuality are profoundly explored in this movie and are shown a small through each character. The character of the female parent is shown to be really loving and lovingness, this I believe is the lone character which is shown to be impersonal and non in struggle in footings of civilization. An illustration of this is throughout the film, the female parent ‘s character did non confront any personal cultural struggle. Her kids were called ‘half strains ‘ but she was ne'er faced with any direct cultural struggle since she had assimilated in the Pakistani civilization ‘s unhappiness. This in bend directs the spectator ‘s understandings with her and makes her a character that the audience hand clapping for. The camera work, music, costumes and sound effects emphasized the secret plan and helped the audience to the full understand the characters emotions. I peculiarly liked the costumes and music in the scene, when the girl is dancing with the broom. She is have oning the saree but in a manner that is western and listening to an Indian vocal and dance. The audience can non assist but smile because the facial looks of the girl are extracted towards the audience. The camera work and make-up are done attractively for the amusing scene when a household had come to run into the two boies for their girl ‘s matrimony. The girls near ups were nicely shot ; that full scene had good camera work capturing everyone ‘s uncomfortable emotions unusually. To reason, both movies Monsoon Wedding and East is East have showed different positions. The regard in both movies directs the viewing audiences ‘ attending to characters and their emotions. The camera work and proficient facets of the movie helped both Monsoon Wedding and East is East gaining control the narrative and emotions of each character.Mention PageHelfield, Gillian. â€Å" Week 1 – East is East / Monsoon Wedding. †06-01-2010. Web. 1 Feb 2011. & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; . Mira, Nair, Dir. Monsoon Wedding. 2001, Film. O'Donnell, Damien, Dir. East Is East. 1999, Film.
National Union of Bank Employees Essay
Introduction Unions are organizations formed to voice out dissatisfactions and represent interests of employees in a company. In the past, employees- especially those who are low in education level and those who are minorities were exploited because they are not aware of their rights. Therefore, unions exist and sustained till today for two main reasons- to protect the employees and to counter the employers’ powers. Unions normally deal collectively with employer and negotiate labor agreements during the period in which they are effective. The major goal is to gain the best common interest, working conditions, health benefits and job security for its members. To further understand the function and role play of unions, we conducted a study of a union- NUBE (National Union of Banking Employees) in the banking industry. Based on our research result, this paper will include the background of the chosen union, how this union fights for its members’ benefits, the impacts towards the industry due to its pass success and some personal opinion from a current member in this union obtain through a walk in oral interview. Brief History of Unions in United States of America and Malaysia In early 1920s, labors had to work extra hours with minimum wages. Neither health benefits nor insurance were included in their contract of working. Later on, things have changed with the existence of unions. One of the earliest unions was The National Labor Union which was founded in 1866. After 1866, more and more unions were formed such as The Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor and also few acts were passed to protect the labors. In Malaysia, unions started to be in active in 1920s when the Communist Party of Malaya encouraged unskilled workers to unionize. There were no rules or regulation at all about trade unions at that time. But in 1940, a Trade Unions Enactment was passed in the Federated Malay States. The enactment made it necessary for all trade unions to be registered in order to avoid redundant unions. Trade unions in Malaysia can be divided into three, in-house, national and federation of trade unions. Objective of in-house trade union is to look after the interests of members in that institution only. While national trade unions are grouped according to industry, trade, or occupation, and their membership is not restricted to a particular institution but geographically where a national trade union can draw its members only from Peninsular Malaysia, or Sabah, or Sarawak. Lastly, a federation of trade unions is a combination of trade unions from similar industries, trades, or occupations. Usually Director General of Trade Unions has the right to decide what similar industries are trades or occupations when there are doubts within the members. Well-known unions in Malaysia consist of Malaysia Rugby Union, The Musicians Union of Malaysia and few others. National Union of Bank Employee’s Background National Union of Bank Employees (NUBE) consists of more than 30,000 members in the Banking and Financial Institutions in Peninsular Malaysia. It was formed in 1958 with 5 branches under them, the first is combination of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Pahang (KLSP), second is in Ipoh, the third is in Penang, Kedah and Perlis (PKP), the fourth is in Kelantan and the fifth is in Seremban, Melaka and Johor (SMJ) and their recreational seaside resort which is in Port Dickson. Like other unions, the reason of having union in any industry is to protect labors and their opinions will be taking in consideration. As for banks, NUBE is a union for all the banks in Malaysia .NUBE’s primary objective is to serve protect and help members regarding their personal benefits and to help the members to negotiate with the banks in order to have a good employee and employer relationship. NUBE can be considered as a middle person or mediator if there is a problem between the banks and the employees. National Union of Bank Employee’s Battles When members of the union have an issue which is not being paid attention by the employer or government, NUBE will publicize the issues in order to pressure them. In the pass, NUBE had organized a number of activities in fighting all kinds of benefits for its members such as increasing the salary, improving certain health benefit policies, requesting apologies and demanding compensations for unfair labour practices etc. Some disputes were even brought up to the court when the employer and the union could not compromise. Overall, most of these activities and pickets by NUBE had successfully gain public attention and cause pressure towards the employers to take immediate action in negotiating the solution when an issue is brought up. NUBE Fights for Maternity Leave In March 2010, NUBE proposed an increase in maternity leave in conjunction with International Women’s Day on the 8th. The â€Å"90 Days for Mums – 1 Million Signatures Campaign†was launched later on to garner support for this proposal even though the ministry make it clear that they have no plans in extending the current maternity leave. Apart from defending the rights of female employees in Malaysia that, this campaign also aimed to aware the government that many sections of labour laws in Malaysia were obsolete and adverse. NUBE Secretary-General J. Solomon said that a 60-day maternity leave in Malaysia is not the in line with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 183 on Maternity Protection. Therefore, the one million signatures will be submitted to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to appeal for an amendment of the Act on maternity leave. For creating greater awareness to the public, NUBE also sent in memorandum to the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development at the launching of the campaign. The result as reported in The Star Online, this campaign successfully received huge support from various parties such as Women’s Aid Organisation, World Alliance on Breastfeeding Action, Asian Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women, All Women’s Action Society, Union Network International – MLC (Global Union), Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC), Kesatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor, Tenaganita Sdn Bhd, Wanita Gerakan, and Wanita Keadilan. As the result, the huge impact of this campaign had caused the ministry to promise that they will take in consideration of this proposal. Although there is no visible changes in the maternity leave on both private and public sectors yet, NUBE act is consider very important as they have successfully raise awareness and concern to employers about this matter so it could be reviewed with added benefits when the time is right. NUBE Reports Maybank to MACC On the February 15 this year, NUBE unionist staged a picket against Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) outside their office at Bangsar. The bank employees who are NUBE members that joined the picket voiced their main dissatisfaction over the stagnant wages issue that is yet to be reviewed by their employer and the dissatisfaction over unfair practice by Maybank. The union members marched into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and report about Maybank violating the labor and civil laws as well as the collective agreement for launching an in house union called the Maybank non-executive Union (MANEAU). J.Solomon explained that the formation of MANEAU by Maybank serves as a ‘union busting campaign’ because it spoilt NUBE’s negotiation for performance bonus. It is revealed that employees did not receive any performance bonus at all whereby the CEO of Maybank enjoys a huge sum of 24 months’ salary which total up to RM2,160,000 as his performance bonus. This cause great dissatisfaction among the Maybank employees as is clearly unfair to them. Besides, to stop employees from joining the picket, Maybank also ordered the Malaysian Commercial Bank Association to slash salaries of all employees that take leave to join the picketing. Maybank acted unfair to the employees’ union members and shown effort in blocking any activities of the employees union. Malaysian Trade Union Congress also reported that Maybank is going against the law by supporting their own in-house union by sponsoring them. Maybank’s act violated the laws as they shouldn’t be sponsoring or supporting any unions. NUBE had shown concern over their member’s disputes and reacted quickly by getting the issue to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak but when it gets no response, NUBE acted by staging a picket, raising awareness to the public of what is happening inside the Malaysia’s biggest financial institution, giving reasonably huge amount of pressure to Maybank in reviewing the matter. NUBE also acted in protecting the bank employee’s rights by reporting the violation of laws by Maybank to the MACC. NUBE Pickets on Minimum Wages Recently in Kuala Lumpur, while the rest of the workers across the Malaysia are enjoying their privileges of Labor Day off day on May 1, over a thousand employees gathered together and marched across the city. The main reason the march takes place is to protest against the newly announced minimum wage policy and to fight for basic employee rights. The rally comprising participant mostly from the NUBE, followed by the other unions – Guppy Plastic Industries Workers Union, Occupy Activist, Party Socialist Malaysia, and Women Aid Organization. During the march, their chant includes stop eliminating union organizations and raising the minimum pay from RM 900 to RM 1500, a much fairer pay. NUBE clarify the much fairer pay as the poverty line according to research is RM 750 and the differences of RM 150 apart from minimum pays are not sufficient. J. Solomon also taken this opportunity to send messages to employers and officers in Human Resource Ministry to abort whatever plan that erode worker’ rights. He also says that it is totally unacceptable as the human resource ministry is plotting with Maybank employers to tears worker apart and attempts to destroy NUBE. Therefore, members from NUBE pickets against Maybank and urges to boycott against the bank. The Current NUBE Member The summarized information below is obtained through an interview with a current Maybank employee who is also a NUBE member conducted orally at Maybank Kota Damansara branch on July 2, 2012, 2.30pm. (Refer Appendix A for full interview contents). The interviewee requested to not disclose her personal information. In the following, she will be referred as ‘the interviewee’. To enter the banking industry, one basically must have a certain level of education. Therefore, employees in the banking industry are highly aware of their rights. To ensure that these rights were protected, most of them join the NUBE as it is a more efficient and powerful route for obtaining better working benefits. It is widely known among the banking industry employees that this union is actively fighting the best of possible for its members. This is how the interviewee came to know about the existence of this union and felt secure to be a member of it. One of the factors related to union success in organizing is having a good leader because a strong leader certainly will give confidence to the members in the union. In return, members will show a relative strong support in the union. J. Solomon (2005), formal NUBE leader once said: â€Å"Since my younger days, I’ve never liked to see anyone being bullied. If I see somebody who is weak and cannot speak for themselves, then I’d be an informal leader. That’s how I grew up.†Therefore, according to the interviewee, NUBE’s area representatives were sent to banks quarterly or when there are any grievances in order to maintain close contacts with members, collect feedbacks and update latest information to ensure the members concerns are well taken care off. The interviewee is positive that J. Solomon is professional in taking care of their dissatisfactions and then fights the best for them. She is happy to received regular updates from area representatives, and is satisfied that the official website is up to date with the latest information about the union activities all the time. Apart from that, she is also pleased that when a contract is coming to an end, all members will be invited to attend meetings to voice out concerns and terms to be renegotiated in the new contract. This is the reason she has been in the union for more than 10 years. Certainly, having loyal members is another factor of the union remaining strong and successful. NUBE professional attitude is certainly one of the main reasons that their members remain loyal. When it comes to picketing or demonstration, the union will first notify the police about their schedule of activities and obtain a legal approval so that departments who are concern can take any form of precaution to prevent injuries and damages towards the public. This is also another reason that the interviewee support this union all years along because she highly respects J. Solomon attitude in always insisting a peaceful and legal way to express their dissatisfactions so that the employer will resolve the issue for them. â€Å"I personally feel that all the union is really needed in order we, the employees are not being exploited and get what we deserve,†she said. Conclusion From our research, a strong and effective union is able to increase its members working quality. The few factors that NUBE is so successful are concluded as below: (1) they have active participation from members, (2) they have done proper preparations for further negotiations before hand, (3) they are highly involve in political and civil activities, (4) they have a strong union mentality and most of all (5) a professional leader. (Fossum, 2012) Overall in simple words, in the past, present and future, the existence of unions does and will always play a very crucial role and serve an important purpose towards the society. If there are more NUBEs around the world, it is positive to believe that the rate of exploitation in labors will reduce drastically and the amount of sweatshops will decrease faster especially in rural areas. References Anisah Shukry. (May 1, 2012). On Labour Day, workers march for more money. Retrieved July 6, 2012 from Baker&Mckenzie. (2009). Malaysia Trade Unions Guide. Retrieved July 11 2012 from Claudia Theophilus. (August 26, 2005). Q&A with the NUBE general-secretary. Retrieved July 5 from John A. Fossum. (2012). Unions: Members and Leader Attitudes, Behaviours, and Political Activities. Labor Relations Development, Structure, Process. 11ed. NY: Mc Graw Hill. Lisa J. Ariffin. (February 15, 2012). NUBE takes Maybank dispute to streets. Retrieved June 18, 2012 from Malaymail. (March 2, 2010). Pet ition for 90 days of maternity leave in progress. Retrieved July 6, 2012 from *NUBE Malaysia Facebook Page. (August 11, 2011). About Basic Info. Retrieved July 10, 2012 from The Star Online. (March 9, 2009). NUBE goes ahead with maternity leave petition. Retrieved July 6, 2012 from *It is very unfortunate that the NUBE official website is still under maintenance since June. According to a current NUBE member, information retrieved from NUBE Malaysia Facebook page is accurate and reliable.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Talk about traffic jam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Talk about traffic jam - Essay Example It is therefore not surprising that one encounters overcrowding on the highways with frequent traffic snarls and impatient, honking drivers. Traffic jams have even resulted in the emergence of a totally new phenomenon called road rage. The burgeoning population and economic prosperity in the last century made possession of a personal car desirable as well as mandatory in the developed countries. Combined with the traffic load of public transport vehicles, bikes, heavy trucks of all shapes and sizes, a typical road now is a veritable zoo of metallic monsters. Traffic jams not only result in public inconvenience, but cause psychological distress as well. Such jams often result in great economic loss to the organizations’ whose deliveries are delayed, loss of reputation for professionals who are unable to attend fixed appointments, and sometimes critical delay in getting a grievously injured patient to the hospital. Finding a solution to the problem is not a new phenomenon, as administrators’ and engineers’ have tried multiple tricks up their sleeves to organize traffic conditions on city roads as well as trans-state/trans-national highways. Availability of new technology like computer controlled traffic signals, closed-circuit camera observation, regulation of traffic by traffic-marshals and channeling traffic according to shape, kind and size of vehicles have all been tried. Building new roads, multi-lane highways and flyovers are some of the time tested strategies but they have failed to ebb the flow of the ever-increasing traffic. The limiting factor is the burgeoning population and the thrust on pushing up sales of newer models of vehicles by the automobile manufacturers. Despite the looming fear of extinction of fossil fuels and their increasing prices, automobile manufacturers are coming up with vehicles which run on alternate sources of fuel to feed the consumer demand. It seems that
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Basque Conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Basque Conflict - Research Paper Example Many of the Basque separatists were of the opinion that the only way they could achieve self-determination was by seceding from the two nations and forming an independent Basque state. Owing to the fact that succession was not welcomed by either the French or Spanish government, the revolutionists resorted to the only means the believed would push their point across and this was violent rebellion. Background In summary, the Basque separationist movement embodied the desire of the people to achieve a greater independence, nonetheless, the concept of what independence was varied among different groups, some wanted complete autonomy from Spain and France, believing that owing to the historical richness of their culture and the difference from Spain, the should form their own country. This was justified by the fact that the Basque region is one of the richest in Spain in terms or mineral resources, seaports and businesses such as banks and other industries and some of the inhabitants fel t that denationalizing was the most economically viable option.2 The movement begun as an idea and a political notion shared by a few but gradually developed into a far-reaching sentiment shared by millions of the inhabitants of the Basque region. ... The Basque movement first emerged as the 19th century ended, after the death of the leader Sabina de Arana Goiri they were granted full autonomy by the republican government and this freedom lasted until the end of the civil war.3 The republican government was overthrown by the Franco regime and this new regime negated many of the gains the Basque had made in self-determination previously. To make them pay for their support for the fallen republican government Franco committed many atrocities in his attempt to repudiate their independence, one of the most brutal of this was the Guernica bombing. In April 1937, he ordered the bombing of Guernica a thriving Basque town killing approximately 1000 people; this was the first manifestation of Franco’s hatred for the Basque people but far from the last. Cultural political repression From this incidence of Guernica bombing, must ask what the reaction of the international community was? To what was a clearly inhumane and unwarranted ma ss murder of innocents simply so that Franco could make his point? However, there was a lot of tension in the international scene as countries weaved alliances in preparation for the impeding war and although there were widespread recriminations no action was taken against Franco and this emboldened his diabolic actions. He continued to oppress them in a plethora of ways, he took away their freedom and even went as far as criminalizing their culture and language, and he was thus effectively stripping them of their freedom of expression speech and even conscience. Hundreds of Basque intellectuals and politicians were imprisoned and tortured under Franco’s orders because of their ideals on
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Intermodal Transportation in the US Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intermodal Transportation in the US - Case Study Example Intermodal Transportation in the US Government involvement in the country’s intermodal transportation system, particularly in the cargo sector, would allow for continuous movement of products by a number of modes of transport. Congress approved the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) as a successor of ISTEA. This policy was not as far-reaching as ISTEA even though it continued the campaign for intermodalism and center on the ISTEA chassis (Konings et al., 2008). This regulation guaranteed the consideration of cargo mobility in the course of the planning procedure and offered more profound flexibility to fund intermodal stations that entail key and minor freeways, railway stations, sea terminals, and airports. Until this law was passed, the challenge of connectivity between and amongst intermodal stations was not a primary concern. If the federal government had prioritized efforts to solve this challenge, connectors to the country’s freeway system would have improved intermodal services and lowered freeway congestion. I also agree with the author that in a free market economy, the industry had been limited in their ability to deliver innovations in intermodal transportation. In the past 2 Â ½ decades, the movement of goods has been seamless only because of intermodalism in the cargo industry (Holguin-Veras et al., 2008).The most visible manifestation of intermodalism in a free market such as the United States is the increase in container traffic.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Individual Market Research Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Individual Market Research - Term Paper Example The manufactures recognized the need of special servers being embedded in blackberry phones, which make it, operate between the email and phone systems hence providing a better performance. Furthermore, this phone has been known to offer the best ever security as compared to other phones. Thirdly, the phone also do not only use ‘back’ buttons when it comes to multitasking. It has special flow features that allow one to effectively transit between the applications by the use of a finger to flick them to sides( OECD economic surveys. 2006 89-92). At this moment, the peek features permits one to have a glance at the notifications and messages without exiting from the working application and open a hub. This attributes made it fly to the top rankings in the technology of phones.3.2. Apple phonesTo this phone, all the media related features can be noted. First, the phone is made to have an advanced iOS five, linked with cloud-integration. Secondly, the phone also has a go od voice interface and music streaming features and lastly a 4G connectivity (Landau, 1984 8-10). Among the many available attributes, these ones have been proved outstanding since every person who has this type of phone, praised it through the recognition of the above features. This phone is known by its high media capability. And since people are gradually moving from the world of median ignorance to the world of media addiction, then this phone proves to be the best of them all. Its technological approach during manufacturing is something that is worth of praise.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Victorian Equity Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Victorian Equity Law - Essay Example This position arises in case of relationships between solicitor and client, parent and child, wife and husband which is known as fiduciary relationship, where trust and confidence exists. In this case, undue influence is presumed by law unless until it is proved contrary2. The presumption of undue influence is recognised by court of law basically where fiduciary relationship exists believing that in fiduciary relationship one party succeeds in exerting unfair influence or undue influence over the other. The court of law recognises relationship between employer and junior employee, doctor and patient also to bring into the ambit of presumption of undue influence3. In fiduciary relationship between wife and husband the creditor has a bounden duty before obtaining guarantee from the wife where wife is not a benficiary, is that a) to take reasonable steps to establish that her consent had been properly obtained, b) to discuss the facts with her c) to warn her of the consequences d) to suggest to take independent legal advise. Failing which, the transaction could be set aside by court of law4. Equity law protects innocent persons from undue influence by giving an opportunity to rescind the contract executed under undue influence. Defence available to opposite party if the fact of non existance of undue influence is rebutted with evidence5. Undue influence: Undue influence is classified into three types, a) actual undue influence, b) presumptive undue influence and c) proven undue influence. Actual undue influence is to be proved. Presumptive undue influence exists where trust and confidence is placed upon a strong party, especially in fiduciary relationships such as solicitor and client, religious adviser and disciple, physicians and patients, and parent and child. Proven Undue influence is similar to presumed undue influence except that in proven undue influence the trust and confidence is to be proved unlike in case of presumptive undue influence. Special Wives Equity: The law provides special equity for wives to protect their interest from the undue influence of their husbands, who take advantage of the weaker position of their wives. Under this equity if the transaction is clouded by actual undue influence and the creditor has the knowledge of existence of marriage between the surety and the borrower the transaction will be set aside. The law further provides that even there is no actual undue influence the transaction is subject to be set aside at the option of the surety unless the creditor has taken sufficient measures to bring to her notice and inform her suitably the effect of the transaction. The law says in special wives equity constructive notice of undue influence or relationship of influence is immaterial, mere knowledge of existence of marriage is sufficient. In Garcia case, which is relied on Yerkey v Jones8 the High Court has discussed elaborately on the principles based on the doctrine of Special Wives Equity. Clear and thorough study of the judgment in Garcia case shows how the different principle adopted in case of Wives in setting aside of security of wife is justified when compared to the non-wives security to third party, duly following the law of equity6. Garcia vNnational Australia Bank ltd7: National Australian Bank
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Consumer Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Consumer Relationship - Essay Example Consumer relationship management is one area of organizations that calls for proper intelligence and understanding to achieve. Most organizations look into satisfying the needs of their customers without first understanding themselves. By giving so much focus to consumer satisfaction and ignoring the organization itself, in the long run even the customers themselves hardly get satisfied (Liveris 2011, p. 17). This paper critically analyzes the contribution of organizational/product- consumer relationship trends in the global beer industry by taking into consideration the demands of consumer relationships, theories around consumer relationships and the techniques that have been employed by organizations so as to achieve customer relationships. In purchasing goods and services, consumers are always faced with dilemmas before arriving at the decision to buy some specific products or services. In the beer industry, one may ask such question as, why do I need to buy â€Å"Heineken†but not â€Å"castle lager†for instance. Well, depending with the individual, different factors such as price, quality and satisfaction will start ringing in their minds. To others, however, the producer of the product matters a lot. It is common that people tend to choose products from well established organizations as opposed to the upcoming organizations. Described below is the process that most consumers undergo before arriving at the decision to purchase certain products: What triggers the mind of any individual to buy a certain product is the need to solve a certain need or problem that such a consumer may be facing. Here, the consumer tends to believe that by purchasing specific products, their problems will be solved. Most organizations start influencing the customer decision making from this point. Companies try to put to customers that those customers actually have problems and those problems can only be solved with products from such organizations. A good example is alcohol consumption.Â
Could 1860 Civil War Be Avoided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Could 1860 Civil War Be Avoided - Essay Example Thus, each person who is going to understand the American character absolutely needs to explore the great catastrophe of the XIX century, to explore the Civil War. In such a way the main aim of this paper is to assume an American leader role on self, in 1860, and imagine whether it was possible to avoid the Civil War. First of all it is necessary to understand the main reason for this large-scale military conflict, forced the citizens of one country to stand up against each other with arms in their hands. The most common cause of the Civil War is usually considered to be a struggle for the abolition of slavery (Boritt, 1996). Of course, the abolition of slavery was not the only one that caused so far going opposition, so, the growing influence of the North in making some policy decisions that would benefit it also raised questions on the part of the Southerners, and increased the difference in the overall lifestyle of the two parts of the country. Such actions caused great tension, b ut it was a cornerstone in building a relationship of North and South for many years of the country's history. Basing on the opinion that the abolition of slavery was the main reason of the Civil War it is necessary to mention that slavery was more economic than racial phenomenon. In this context we see that the position of Lincoln was not as radical as we sometimes suppose, because he was a proponent of the abolition of the further spread of slavery, but agreed with the right to own slaves in the southern states. Thus, being a president I would be able to try to minimize harms of Lincoln’s views using better considered positions which would help to solve political and economic contradictions between North and South, to look for the solution of territorial expansion, economic crisis and modernization of the economy in those times period. It is possible to suppose that the abolition of the slavery would have more mild character if the state would be able to unite two parts of the country into one organism and buy all slaves from their masters and made them free, giving them an opportunity to change their status from ordinary slaves on wage slaves. In some degree this proposition would cost a lot of money for the state, but this step would overcome many contradictions between South and North, giving both states equal opportunities, using implementation of one strong ideology on the whole nation. One more reason that may explain the necessity of buying slaves by the state is the fact that such actions would help to stop armed revolt among slaves making them free. The main aim of many slaves was to find own freedom, because some slaves had an opportunity to pay money for their lives and become free, while others were very poor and only state could help them to fight for their rights and prevent their participations in rising against the state. Thinking about the main reasons of the Civil War it is important to add that Americans also fought for a principle, this mean that they also need to know which laws were more important - the laws of the State or All-American laws (Higham and Woodworth, 1996). It shows that the nation needed one strong ideology which would be able to organize nation around one big aim in spite of anything. Agreeing with the fact that the Civil War is a big pain of American nation it is necessary to state that scientists, researchers, politicians, historians, and even ordinary people are still debating the topic
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 3
Business Ethics - Essay Example This protest has highlighted the fact that there is a lack of established ethical concepts in the company. Companies, which do not follow the concepts of business ethics and moral values, lack a congenial working atmosphere. The Utilitarianism theory was evolved by Jeremy Bentham and it suggested that a movement should focus on a right action which is for the benefits of the mass people. The protests against the Hyatt hotel were influenced by the Utilitarianism concept. The poor working conditions of Hyatt hotel as highlighted by the workers depict that satisfaction of employees should be the topmost priority of an organization. Ethical Dilemma The Hyatt Hurts Controversy Reports of conflict between the management of Hyatt hotel and the workers of the staff had been reported in the year 2008 (Roff, 2013). The labour contract between hotel Hyatt and the workers of the hotel had expired and the management was supposed to negotiate certain elements of the contract which included wages, benefits, right to organize and workload. However, it refused to negotiate with the terms and conditions and fired most of its housekeeping staff members with temporary staff being recruited from an agency. Majority of the housekeeping staff were working in the company since ten to fifteen years (Roff, 2013). The reason behind this sudden move was to reduce the administrative costs of the hotel due to inflation pressures. This angered the common people, employees of the organization and even certain government bodies and labour unions like UniteHere. The organization UniteHere went on a global boycott against Hyatt hotels to encourage consumers around the world not to visit the Hyatt hotels. The city of Indianapolis passed an ordinance act in July 2011 Hyatt and several other hotels to prohibit unethical practices within the company (Roff, 2013). Stakeholder’s Viewpoint The conflicts and controversies irked the stakeholders. The reputation of the company was hanging by a thre ad. From a Financial management perspective, stakeholders determine the company’s reputation from the ability of its managers to adapt with the changing environment. This is because a company which is socially responsible has lower perceived risk from an economics point of view (Dimitriou, et al., 2011). The hotel had received the ‘worst employer’ award from UniteHere in 2011 and even organizational bodies like Nation Football League and National Organization of women joined hands together to protest against the hotel (Stangler, 2013). In June 2009, four hundred workers of Hyatt Regency, San Francisco left the company to revolt against the unethical conducts being practised in the hotel (Stangler, 2013). These reports had affected the stakeholders badly. The managers of the Hyatt retaliated by publishing an article in the Washington Post in the year 2011 claiming that the allegations against the hotel were completely false and the hotel provided the best work inc entives and benefits to workers. The vice president of the Human Resource department of Hyatt, Mr. Doug Patrick stated in a press conference that the workers were protesting against the hotel because they wanted to create a union membership in the hotel (Stangler, 2013). The managers of hotel Hyatt had become adamant and refused to apologize. Ethical Issues There is no standardized definition of business
Monday, July 22, 2019
Math in Basketball Essay Example for Free
Math in Basketball Essay When I am upset, all I crave is bacon. It seems to bring out the good in everything. The sky is brighter when I eat bacon; the grass is greener; the glass is half full. Bacon just makes everything seem alright. I feel reenergized. Alert. Happy. Bacon is my substance of choice for mood-enhancement, as it optimally raises my dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine levels with no negative effects besides a little weight gain that is easily avoided by the addition of exercise. From an evolutionary stand point, bacon is the ideal food. Back in the day, before there were nutritionists and people ate to survive, cravings were responsible for encouraging the right balance of carbs to fats to proteins as well as the consumption of all necessary vitamins and minerals. Protein, which is found primarily in meat, proved to be one of the hardest nutrients for the ancient human being to find, since they would have to hunt animals in order to obtain it. Because of its importance to the humans diet and its difficulty to obtain, the reward system for proteins tends to be much stronger than that for any other nutrient. Carbs may result in an increased level of serotonin, but proteins release tyrosine into the blood stream which causes the release of massive amounts of dopamine, the feel-good neurotransmitter. Bacon also has a great fat to protein ratio. Fats are another crucial nutrient because they are effectively concentrated, stored carbs which can be converted into ATP for energy on a cellular level. Containing nine Calories of energy per gram, one gram of fat is enough to sustain an average person in an inactive, waking state for ten minutes, though it may only last me a few seconds when I am riding my horse, Kaptain. This means that the average slice of bacon can sustain the average person for about one whole hour. Maybe twenty-four slices of bacon a day is not the most healthy diet, due to its lack of carbs, vitamins, and minerals, but on a sad, dreary, rainy day, that is pretty close to what I would eat. I would probably add some eggs, pastries, orange juice, and multi-vitamins to the mix in order to have a more balanced diet, but I would definitely feel pretty comforted and happy. Just thinking about a warm, crunchy, greasy, delicious plate of bacon with a side of steaming chocolate chip pancakes is triggering my lateral hypothalamus. My pituitary gland is already telling my mouth to water, my stomach to growl and prepare digestive enzymes, and releasing the hunger hormone ghrelin. Today may not be a sad, dreary, or rainy day, but I am still craving bacons crunchy goodness. Luckily, I can somewhat control my bacon cravings and I have a fast metabolism, or else Im sure my horse would be suffering from intense back problems.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
What Is Elitism And Anti Elitism Politics Essay
What Is Elitism And Anti Elitism Politics Essay Elites derive from a fundamental and universal fact of social life, namely, the absence in any large collectivity of a robust common interest. While it is true that most large collectivities rest on a base of social and cultural understandings, these tend to be ambiguous and rough. The satisfactions some of their members seek are only partly compatible with the satisfactions sought by other members. Members constantly claim statuses and other valued goods for themselves, their kin, friends, and allies that other members do not accept as fully legitimate. Acceding to these claims is often more a matter of judging that it is dangerous or inexpedient to resist them than of recognizing that the persons and groups making the claims have some right to do so. In large collectivities common interest is fairly minimal and must always be supplemented by authoritative decisions that dissenters and opponents dare not or find it inexpedient to resist. Elites may be defined as persons who, by virt ue of their strategic locations in large or otherwise pivotal organizations and movements, are able to affect political outcomes regularly and substantially. Put differently, elites are persons with the organized capacity to make real political trouble without being promptly repressed. They consist not only of prestigious and established leaders top politicians, important businessmen, high-level civil servants, senior military officers but also, in varying degrees in different societies, relatively transitory and less individually known leaders of mass organizations such as trade unions, important voluntary associations, and politically consequential mass movements. Counter-elites are subsumed by this definition because they clearly have the organized capacity, although perhaps mainly through negation, to affect political outcomes regularly and substantially. It is important to stress that this is a limited and specifically political definition of elites. It is restricted to perso ns who are at the top of the pyramid or pyramids of political, economic, and social power (Putnam, 1976). It does not consider all those in a society who enjoy high occupational, educational, or cultural statuses to be elites in a political sense. As defined, national political elites are not large in number. Geraint Parry (1969/2005) has observed that the entire British elite could be seated with ease in a soccer stadium. Using strict organizational and positional criteria, as well as data about sizes of elite networks, some researchers have estimated that the national political elite in the United States numbers perhaps ten thousand persons (Dye, 2002), maybe half this number in medium-sized countries like France (Dogan, 2003), Australia (Higley, Deacon Smart, 1979) or Germany (Hoffmann-Lange, 1992), and about fifteen hundred in small countries like Denmark (Christiansen, Mà ¶ller Togeby, 2001) and Norway (Gulbrandsen and Engelstad, 2002). This last estimate of fewer than two t housand persons is probably the most plausible for all countries during the early modern historical period and all but the most populous developing countries today Elitism: Elitism is the belief or attitude that those individuals who are considered members of the elite a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern [1]. Alternatively, the term elitism may be used to describe a situation in which power is concentrated in the hands of the elite. Opposed to elitism are anti-elitism, populism, and the political theory of pluralism. Elite theory is the sociological or political science analysis of elite influence in society elite theorists regard pluralism as a utopian ideal. Elitism may also refer to situations in which an elite individual assumes special privileges and responsibilities in t he hope that this arrangement will benefit humanity. At times, elitism is closely related to social class and what sociologists call social stratification. Members of the upper classes are sometimes, though inaccurately, known as the social elite. The term elitism is also sometimes misused to denote situations in which a group of people claiming to possess high abilities or simply an in-group or cadre grant themselves extra privileges at the expense of others. This debased form of elitism may be described as discrimination (1) The belief: that government ought in principle, always and everywhere, to be confined to elites. Rarely a worked-out doctrine in its own right, more often a piece of unexamined value judgement, or a view which follows from some more general argument in political philosophy, as for example in Platos Republic. (2) The belief: that government is in practice confined to elites; that, following a maxim of Hume, ought implies can (in other words, that there is no point in saying that government ought to be controlled by the people if in practice it cannot); and that we might just as well accept what we are bound to have anyhow. These views are especially associated with Mosca and with Pareto in the early twentieth century, and with Schumpeter in mid-century. All three writers shade into elitism in sense 1 because they go on to produce normative justifications of rule by elites in a democracy. However, their earlier arguments do not in themselves imply that if democratic control of the government were somehow achievable it would be undesirable. (3) The belief: that government is in practice confined to elites; that this has often been justified by arguments from Plato or Schumpeter; but that this is undesirable because elite rule is in practice rule on behalf of the vested interests of (usually economic) elites. Defining of elite (Elitism): There is no single definition of the concept of elite. What the literature reflects is divergent array of definition of the term. The lack of a unified meaning of elite emanates from the scope an limit of those include in the spectrum of elite rank, given the universality of the accepted meaning of the term itself. Therefore, various definitions arise and different models and constructs develop as frames of analysis. Despite the differences in definitions, all elite theorists seem to agree on one thing: the powerful position of a small group of individuals or groups who either shape or influence decisions that affect national outcomes. Thus, all actors occupying key positions in the political, economic, military, governmental, cultural, and administrative institutions and organizations are considered members of the elite because they affect the national outcomes. According to Mosca (1939), In all societies, from less developed to the most advanced, tow classes of people appear, a class that rules and a class that is ruledà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The class that rules is few, whereas the more numerous class, is directed at and controlled by the first, in a manner that is now more or less legal, now more or less arbitrary and violent. (50) The few elites acquire a stake in preserving the organization and their position in it. This motive gives leaders a perspective different from that of the organizations members. An elite is then inevitable in any social organization Dye an zeigler,1993: 2-3) To Michels (1959), he who says organization, says oligarchy (70), and government is always government by the few, whether in the name of the few, the one, or the many(Lasswell and Lerner, 1952:7) According to Gwen Moore (1979), the term political elite refer to persons who by virtue of their institutional positions have a high potential to influence national policy making therefore, it includes politicians, government officials, and the leaders of various interest groups, which attempt to influence the allocation of values in socity(Moore,1979;see also Parry, 1969:13) more clearly, Higley and Burton (1989) define national elites as persons who are able, by virtue of their authoritative positions in powerful organizations and movements of whatever kind, to affect national political outcomes regularly and substantially(18) In defense of elite theory, and signifying the importance of the organizational context of elites, Higley, Burton, and Field (1973) maintain that they have consistently followed Weber and Movement leaders are elites only to the extent that the movements are bureaucratically structured and thus powerful on a sustained basis. Those leaders then can affect political outcomes regularly and substantially (Higley, Burton, and Field, 1990) Dogan and Higley (1996) define elites as the few hundred or at most few thousand persons who head the major institutions, organizations, and movements in a society and who are therefore able to impel or impede political decisions on a regular basis. Elites consist, therefore, of the top leaders of political parties, governmental bureaucracies, large and /or pivotally located business firms and large unions, the military, the media, professional, religious, educational, and other major organizations, as well as the leaders of powerful interest groups and mass movements. Because these definitions are too broad, inclusive, and confusing, they are subject to interpretations and challenges, such as the one offered by Alan Knight (1996) in his extensive and provocative analysis of elite theory. To Hunter (1959), elites are the top leaders who shape and control the power structure, whereas to Mills (1956), they are the power elite, Composed of men whose positions enable them to transcend the ordinary environments of ordinary men and women: they are in positions to make decisions having major consequences Whether they do or do not make such decisions is less important than the fact that they do occupy such pivotal positions: their failure to act, their failure to make decisions, is itself an act that is often of greater consequence than the decisions they do make, for they are in command of the major hierarchies and organizations of modern society. They run the big corporations. They run the machinery of the state and claim its prerogatives. They direct the military establishment. They occupy the strategic command posts of the social structure, in which are now centered the effective means of the power and the wealth and the celebrity which they enjoy. The power elite are not solitary rulers. Advisors and consultants, spokesmen and opinion makers, are often the captains of their higher thought and decision. Imme diately below the elite are the professional politicians of the middle levels of power, in the Congress and in the pressure groups, as well as among the new and old upper classes of town and city and region Mills definition of the concept of power elite is both clear and comprehensive in that it includes not only the macro elites, but also the micro elites who operate the organizations and institutions controlled by the power elite. This view is shared by the more contemporary elite theorists who focus in their studies on interlocking organizational networks of the elites. Despite the common tenets emphasized in these definitions, the following perspectives on elite theory may be discerned. Types of Elite: Following the ideas of Machiavelli, he distinguished two main types of elite group: a. Lion elites who were able to rule by force (for example, military regimes). b. Fox elites who were able to rule by manipulation (for example, liberal democratic regimes) Characteristics of the elite Attributes that identify elite vary; personal achievement may not be essential. Elite attributes include: Rigorous study of, or great accomplishment within, a particular field of study A long track record of competence in a demanding field An extensive history of dedication and effort in service to a specific discipline (e.g., medicine or martial arts) A high degree of accomplishment, training or wisdom within a given field An elite fighter, for example, is one whose training, resolve, and experience in combat place him at the top of his field. Most nations employ some kind of Special Forces made up of elite soldiers whose training goes far beyond what is typical for the average soldier. The academic elite, on the other hand, comprises only those professors whose studies are likely to shape their respective disciplines for years to come. One synonym for elite might be world class, indicating that the individual in question is capable of participating effectively at the very highest levels of his or her chosen discipline. Anti-elitism Elitism as a pejorative term The term elitism or the title elitist can be used resentfully [2] by a person who is not a member of an elite, or is a member but resents the elite position or uses it in a condescending or cynical manner in order to ridicule or criticize practices which discriminate on the basis of ability or attributes. Often, accusing someone of being an elitist is used as a pejorative remark meant to imply that the person in question does not in fact belong to an elite, but is merely a hanger-on. Sometimes, particularly in political circles, it is used simply as a generic insult, with little to no literal basis for the terms use beyond a general animosity towards the target. Elitism versus egalitarianism Elitism can be interpreted as encouraging the exclusion of large numbers of people from positions of privilege or power. Thus, many populists seek the social equality of Egalitarianism, Populism, Socialism, or Communism. They may also support affirmative action, social security, luxury taxes, and increasingly high progressive taxes for the wealthiest members of society. All of these measures seek to reduce the gap of power between the elite and those who are not elite. Elitism versus pluralism Pluralism is the belief that public policy decisions should be (or, descriptively, are) the result of the struggle of forces exerted by large populations (workers, consumers, retirees, parents, etc.) directly or indirectly in the policy-making process. This is contrasted with elitism which is the belief that decisions should be (or are) being made essentially according to the interests or ideas of elites. There is a difference, however, between the idea of being more able to fulfill a political task and the actual knowing of the specialization and specifications of each corporation or other group among the general population and its particular hopes and needs, which suggests a way of cooperation which has been recently put into practice in some countries between politicians and groups of citizens which have some remote resemblances to Corporatism. Elitism and education Elitism in the context of education is the practice of concentrating attention on or allocating funding to the students who rank highest in a particular field of endeavor, with the other students being deemed less capable of achievement or as holding less promise for the societys future. For example, a politician who promotes specialized biochemistry classes for highly intelligent students in an effort to cure diseases might be accused of elitism. Elitism in education could be based upon learning ability, knowledge, or other abilities. An elite school could merely be a wealthy school or an old school. Power elite: A Power Elite, in political and sociological theory, is a small group of people who control a disproportionate amount of wealth, privilege, and access to decision-making of global consequence. The term was coined by Charles Wright Mills in his 1956 book, The Power Elite. The Power Elite (1956) describes the relationship between political, military, and economic elite (people at the pinnacles of these three institutions), noting that these people share a common world view, 1) the military metaphysic- a military definition of reality, possess 2) class identity- recognizing themselves separate and superior to the rest of society, have 3) interchangeability: i.e. the move within and between the three institutional structures and hold interlocking directorates 4) cooptation/socialization: of prospective new members is done based on how well they clone themselves socially after such elite. Further these elite in the big three institutional orders have an uneasy alliance based upon their co mmunity of interests driven by the military metaphysic, which has transformed the economy into a permanent war economy. In critical work, the US Power elite consists of members of the Business/Corporate Community, Academia, politicians, media editors, military service personnel, and high-profile journalists. From here on, a general form of consensus building and homogenesing of elite members views is eventually achieved. Social Structure forming Power Elite the American way and the American Dream can be defined as that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position ([James Truslow Adams, The Epic of America]). However, it has been argued that a relatively fixed group of privileged Americans shape our economy and government solely because of their higher wealth and social status. This idea goes against the original American way, and begins a new one. This new American way involves a fixed group of Americans, called the power elite. The power elite stems from many groups forming into one: Corporate Community: This group includes rich corporations, banks and agribusinesses. These tend to dominate the federal government in Washington. Growth Coalitions: This group includes real estate, construction and land development companies. These tend to dominate the local governments. Both the corporate communities and growth coalitions sometimes will have conflicting ideas and competition between each other over profits and investment opportunities. However, they tend to have the same policies affecting their general welfare. These groups have the ability to organize and defend their interests due to their large wealth and income. The owners and managers of these large income producing properties hold a great share of all of the income and wealth in the US. This is more than any other industrial democracy (they are 1% of the entire US population). By holding this share of income, these groups clearly create the dominating class in the US. This dominating class has name of its own: Corporate Rich: This group becomes more of a common social group. They belong to the same social clubs, they vacation at the same summer and winter resorts and they send their children to the same private schools. They create the [social upper class]. Place Entrepreneurs: This group tends to be filled with members of the growth coalition. They sell locations and buildings. By doing this, they become the local upper class in their respective cities. Because of this, they tend to mingle with the corporate rich in vacation/resort settings or educational settings. Policy Formation Network: This group tends to be filled with members from both the corporate rich and the place entrepreneurs/growth coalition. They develop and direct non-profit organizations, charity foundations and policy discussion groups. As these non-profit groups join at a national level, they are able to create policies for local communities and national level city development organizations. All of these group s take a part in creating the ultimate power elite, the leadership group for the corporate rich as a whole. Power Elite: This group tends to have corporate owners join with top level executives in the corporate community and the policy formation network. This group tends to be the wealthiest in the US and use this group title to create policies for the US to use on a national level. However, it is clear that not all people in the power elite group are involved in governance. Some simply enjoy the lifestyle wealth can bring. Characteristics of the Power Elite: According to C. Wright Mills, among the best known power-elite theorists, the governing elite in the United States draws its members from three areas: (1) the highest political leaders including the president and a handful of key cabinet members and close advisers; (2) major corporate owners and directors; and (3) high-ranking military officers. Even though these individuals constitute a close-knit group, they are not part of a conspiracy that secretly manipulates events in their own selfish interest. For the most part, the elite respects civil liberties, follows established constitutional principles, and operates openly and peacefully. It is not a dictatorship; it does not rely on terror, a secret police, or midnight arrests to get its way. It does not have to, as we will see. Nor is its membership closed, although many members have enjoyed a head start in life by virtue of their being born into prominent families. Nevertheless, those who work hard, enjoy good luck, and demonstrate a willingness to adopt elite values do find it possible to work into higher circles from below. If the elite do not derive its power from repression or inheritance, from where does its strength come? Basically it comes from control of the highest positions in the political and business hierarchy and from shared values and beliefs. Elite approach in politics: Those who disagree with pluralism such as C. Wright Mills argue that a few people in all societies manipulate the levers of government to their benefit. As a review of the pluralist approach, Elite theory suggests that focus should not be on individuals and the freely formed groups based on interests but that society breaks down into two groups the few on top who hold power and rule (the ones Plato referred to as philosopher kings) or the Oligarchy The many below who are governed by them. Elite theory acknowledges that human society is not all the same and that the differences among people in society make elite rule or the rule of the oligarchy inevitable elites straddle both the public and private realms. For example different political elites and corporate elites become bureaucratic elites over time and influence the direction of state policies in their different public and private capacities elites of different groups in society political, corporate, workers, ethnic, regional, an d other groups of common bond tend to find what is called Elite Accommodation elites also tend to reproduce them selves as they come to rely on each other for advice and action. They come to share a common world view and defend their common interests some have suggested that the state elites can become autonomous from society through this process of elite accommodation. What emerges is what is called the Embedded Stat Critics of elite theory have pointed to it over-emphasis of the cohesion of the elites or oligarchy and lack of attention to the competition within the ruling elites. Further, that in modern society political constraints makes it impossible for rulers to ignore the interests of the masses. Elite approach focuses on elites domination of political life with an alienated majority accepting their role in society, while the class analysis approach suggests that social classes arise in society because of the nature of the organization of the economy and exist in antagonism against each other Elite theory: Elite theory is a theory of the state which seeks to describe and explain the power relationships in modern society. It argues that a small minority, comprised of members of the economic elite and policy-planning networks, hold the most power no matter what happens in elections in a country. Through positions in corporations or on corporate boards, and influence over the policy-planning networks through financial support of foundations or positions with think tanks or policy-discussion groups, members of the elite are able to have significant power over policy decisions of corporations and governments. The theory stands in opposition to pluralism in suggesting that democracy is a utopian ideal. It also stands in opposition to state autonomy theory. Classical and New Elite Theory Although the idea probably always has been present in some form, elitism emerged as a recognizable and clearly defined part of Western political thought in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The leading contributors to the theory were Gaetano Mosca, Vilfredo Pareto, and Robert Michels. These writers attacked classical democratic thought and also Aristotle and Karl Marx. Majority rule, they insisted, is impossible. Every society is divided into those who rule and those who are ruled; and the rulers constitute only a small minority of any society. Aristotles classification, which divided political systems into three types (rule by one, rule by a few, and rule by the many), does not fit reality either, for no man is capable of ruling by himself, and the many, too, lack the ability to govern. It is the few, under any political system, who exercise effective control. And Marx, with his emphasis on a class struggle that in the end (following the victory of the working class ) leads to social harmony in a classless society, was also wrong. History features a continuing struggle among elites. That struggle will never end, and a classless society cannot be created. Moreover, to the pioneers in the development of elitist theory, Marx placed too much emphasis on economics and not enough on politics, which could be autonomous. Classical elitist theory did not maintain merely that the active, socially recognizable people in a country made its important decisions-whether from within offices of government, from somewhere behind the scenes, or from completely outside the state apparatus. It emphatically asserted that the common man, however numerous within a society in absolute or relative terms, did not. Analysts of elites, who generally focus on the distribution of power rather than on the allocation of values, or on property and other wealth forms, differ somewhat over the degree of participation in government or, more generally, the political process that is necessary for a member of the elite accurately to be judged a member of what Mosca characterizes as the ruling class. A societys elite is usually thought to be a stable entity, self-sustaining and constant over time. Yet the actual group that is in office can change markedly and very quickly. The concept of an elite therefore may need to be understood as encompassing all those who might govern as well as those who in fact do govern. However elite is precisely understood, elitist theory is clear in the basic point that a minority, rather than the masses, controls things. The general population of a country-the common man-is ineffective. Even in societies with elections and other democratic mechanisms, it is posited, the ruling elite functions in a way that is largely independent of control by a popular majority. However, it made need a justifying doctrine. That the elite ordinarily functions according to a political formula, in Moscas term, is what makes its rule effective and acceptable to the masses Thus, in theory, there can be a democratic elitism, however paradoxical that may seem. A new elite paradigm, building on the work of Mosca and other classical theorists, emerged in the 1980s and 1990s among comparative political sociologists. It drew attention to the occurrence, and the important effects, of divisions that may arise within the elite of a society. Its central proposition, as stated by John Higley and Michael Burton (1989), is as follows: A disunified national elite, which is the most common type, produces a series of unstable regimes that tend to oscillate between authoritarian and democratic forms over varying intervals. A consensually unified national elite, which is historically much rarer, produces a stable regime that may evolve into a modern democracy, as in Sweden, or Britain, or the United States, if economic and other facilitative conditions permit. In the United States, normally, internal and external conditions have favored consensual unity within the nations elite. Of course, the American Revolution and, later, the Civil War, are the major exceptions to this generalization. During those periods, divisions ran so deep as to produce counter-elites. As the political sociologist Barrington Moore, Jr., and the political historian C. Vann Woodward have shown, the reconciliation between North and South that occurred following post-Civil War Reconstruction was in significant part a result of a complex bargain between the elites in formerly opposed geographical sections. After the late nineteenth century, issues of foreign policy have on occasion divided the American elite as well. A by-product of this has been a widening of participation in the national debate over foreign policy. That this amounts to a democratization of American foreign policymaking, however, is highly disputable. Elite theorists: Wright Mills C. Wright Mills published his book The Power Elite in 1956 claiming a new perspective on systems of power in the USA. He identified a triumvirate of power groups political, economic and military who form a distinguishable, although not unified body, wielding power in the American state: He proposed that this group had been generated through a process of rationalisation at work in all advanced industrial societies where by the mechanisms of power became concentrated funnelling overall control into the hands of a limited, somewhat corrupt group (Bottomore 1993). This reflected a decline in politics as an arena for debate and relegation to a merely formal level of discourse (Mills 1956). This macro-scale analysis sought to point out the degradation of democracy in advanced societies and the fact that power generally lies outside the boundaries of elected representatives. Floyd Hunter The elite theory analysis of power was also applied on the micro scale in community power studies such as that by Floyd Hunter (1953). Hunter examined in detail the power relationships evident in his Regional City looking for the real holders of power rather than those in obvious official positions. He posited a structural-functional approach which mapped the hierarchies and webs of interconnection operating within the city mapping relationships of power between businessmen, politicians, clergy etc. The study was promoted to debunk current concepts of any democracy present within urban politics and reaffirm the arguments for a true representative democracy (Hunter 1953). This type of analysis was also used in later, larger scale, studies such as that carried out by M. Schwarz examining the power structures within the sphere of the corporate elite in the USA (Schwarz 1987). James Burnham James Burnhams early work The Managerial Revolution sought to express the movement of all functional power into the hands of managers rather than politicians or businessmen separating ownership and control (Bottomore 193). Many of these id
Language Analysis of Film: Directive Illocutionary Acts
Language Analysis of Film: Directive Illocutionary Acts BY MORTEN TYLDUM ABSTRACT This assignment is entitled A study of Directive Illocutionary Acts in Passengers Movie Script by Morten Tyldum. It is aimed at describing forms and meanings of Jims utterances based on Vandervekens theory by using descriptive method. In the collecting data, I follows three stages. Those are data selection, data collection, and data classification. The selection stage was done by searching the movie script as the data source, the data collection covers collecting the data from Jims utterances in the movie script, and the data classification includes gathering Jims utterances which contain Directive Illocutionary Act. In analyzing the data, I follows several stages. They are: founding categorizing, describing, and qualifying the utterances found in the data. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Language is used as a means of communication where people use it as a tool to express their ideas and wishes. According to Ramelan (1991: 8), Language can help man to express his ideas and wishes to another such as when he needs some helps, so that close relationship among members of the group can be carried out. All human beings use language to interact with other members of the same speech community. It can be said that language plays an important role as a means of communication. According to Chaer Augustin (2004: 17), Communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbol, sign or behavior. Therefore, language is an important tool in communication process: participant (at least two people or a group), topic (what is talking about), and means of communication (symbol, sign, etc.). Speech acts is the study of the meaning and the function of an utterance. The speech is used to clarify what the speaker does. Austin (1965: 108) in his book How to Do Things with Words, mention three types of speech acts; they are Locutionary Act, Illocutionary Act, and Perlocutionary Act. The Locutionary Act refers to the referential or factual meaning of the sentence: that is the literal meaning of the actual words. When we say,Im hungry, this utterance refers to the condition of the speaker which is hungry with no intention of ordering the hearer to give the speaker some food. The Illocutionary Act refers to the speakers intention in uttering the words (such as a request to close the door, or an offer of something). When we say, its very hot here, the speaker has some intention to order the hearer to open the window or to turn on the air conditioner. The Perlocutionary Act refers to the effect this utterance has on the thoughts or actions of the other person such as someone actually closing the door or helping them to the food. When we say, there is snake next to you! this sentence brings an effect to the hearer like screaming or running. This sentence has perlocutionary effect to the hearer. Movie script is a means of communication for an artist or a script writer to express their ideas. It can be in the form of written language. In spoken language, utterance makes the movie very clear. In addition, the utterance of speech act also describes or tells the viewers what the actors do in the movie. The object of this research is a movie entitled Passengers. I analyze this movie because in a movie I find out many Directive Illocutionary Acts in its script as well as to know the meaning of the utterance used in Illocutionary Act, because movie closer in daily conversation appeals of interview and talk show. 1.2 Statement of the Problem The problem of this study can be stated as follows: What the Directive Illocutionary Acts are found in the Passengers movie script? What are the meanings of the Illocutionary Acts the Passengers movie script? 1.3 Scope of the Study This study is focuses on the Illocutionary Act especially Directive Illocutionary Act in Jims utterances as the first character in the movie Passengers. In analyzing the Directive Illocutionary Act I use theory of Illocutionary Forces by Vanderveken. Objective of the Study The objectives of the study are: To identify Directive Illocutionary Acts in the Passengers movie script. To describe the meanings of utterance in Illocutionary Force found in the Passengers movie script. CHAPTER II RESEARCH METHOD Research Design Based on the problem analysis, this research uses descriptive research because it is aimed to identify the kinds of speech, especially Directive Speech Act. According to Isaac and Michael (1987: 18), descriptive method is the method purpose is to describe systematically the facts and characteristics of a given population or area of interest, factually and accurately. About this kind of research, Mardalis (1989: 26) says that, descriptive research does not test a hypothesis or use a hypothesis; it merely describes information according to variables that are observed. By using descriptive method, this study identifies the kinds of Illocutionary Act focusing on Directive Speech Act and their functions. This study took the data from the movie script Passengers by Morten Tyldum. Unit of Analysis The unit of analysis of this study is all utterances in Passengers movie script. Source of Data I took the data from the movie script Passengers by Morten Tyldum as the source of the data. The data of this study were taken from the internet website Technique of Data Collection In the methodology of collecting the data, I used documentation method. Documentation method is looking for the data about things or variables which are in the form of notes, transcription, book, newspaper, magazine, leafs etc. (Arikunto, 2002: 206). I used the movie script to collect the data. In this research, I get the data through some phases. First, I search for the Passengers movie script in the internet. Second, I watch the Passengers movie to comprehend the utterances. Third, I collect the data from the movie script that contains Directive Speech Act. Finally, I select the speakers utterances that contain Directive Speech Act. Technique of Data Analysis The techniques of data analysis are as follows: Finding the Speakers utterances in the form of Directive Illocutionary Act. Categorizing the speakers utterances based on the function of Directive Illocutionary Act such as asking, requesting, begging, and commanding. Describing the meaning in the utterances of Passengers Movie Scripts. Qualifying the utterances that contain directive speech acts. CHAPTER III DATA ANALYSIS The Directive Illocutionary Acts in Jims Utterances There are 16 utterances containing Directive Illocutionary Acts. Those are Asking (6), Commanding (3), Suggesting (2), Requesting (2), Adjuring (1), Begging (1) Forbidding (1). The Directive Illocutionary Acts found in the Passengers Movie Script is presented in the following table: Table 3.1 No. Directive Illocutionary Amount Percentage (%) 1 Asking 6 37,5 % 2 Commanding 3 18,75% 3 Requesting 2 12, 5% 4 Suggesting 2 12,5% 5 Begging 1 6, 25% 6 Adjuring 1 6, 25% 7 Forbidding 1 3, 25% TOTAL 16 100% From the table above, it can be seen that Asking is the most often Directive Illocutionary Act used by Jim. Jim likes to ask someone who is related with his business for the sake of himself. The Meaning of Jims Utterances There are seven Directive Illocutionary Act used by Jim. The following sub chapter describe Directive Illocutionary Act what Jims meant by using those seventh. 3.2.1 Asking There are 6 Asking Directive Illocutionary Acts that are found in Jims utterances. Excerpt. 1 Speech event: Jane is waiting in the spacecratf, making no attempt to hide. Jim: Joost. Jane: Long time, mate. Jim: Hows Alice? Jane: Well, thanks. The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Jane) about condition. The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Jane) can give the answer of the speakers (Jim) question. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Jane) to answer the Alices condition as the answer of his question. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Jane) can answer his question. The sincerity condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes that the hearer (Jane) can explain How Alice is condition now. The degree of strength of the utterance shows that the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get the explanation from the hearer (Jane). Excerpt. 2 Jim: Tim must be in college. Jane: Big kids, big problem you know. Jim: Companys doing well? Jane: Cant complain. Eleven wars on the continent, business is brisk. (Looks at him) Speech event: Heard you had a bit of trouble in the bush. The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of Illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks the hearer (Jane) about something (the condition of company). The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Jane) can give explanation to the speakers (Jim) question. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) asks the hearer (Jane) to explain their companys condition as the answer of his question. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Jane) can answer his question. The sincerity condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really asks and really hopes the hearer (Jane) to explain the condition of their company. The degree of strength of the utterance shows that Jim just needs the answer from Jane it shows Jims seriousness to get the explanation from Jane. Excerpt. 3 Speech event: When Jim talks with the bartender, suddenly Fawaz approaches him. He is a nervous wreck. Fawaz: Oh, my God, are you all right? Jim: Wheres the farmer? Fawaz: He found a job at a hotel. Spends all his time at the refugee offices. Not exactly the behavior of a man in possession of a priceless stone. The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Fawaz) about something (the existence of someone). The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Fawaz) can give the answer of the speakers (Jim) question. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Fawaz) to answer the existences of someone as the answer of his question. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Fawaz) can answer his question. The sincerity condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes that the hearer (Fawaz) can explain where is the farmer now. The degree of strength of the utterance shows that the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get the explanation from the hearer (Fawaz). Excerpt. 4 Speech event: Jim lights a cigarette. Aurora appears and stands quietly beside him. Together they watch the distant explosions. Auora : I didnt actually hurt your feelings? Speech event: He takes a long drag. Exhales. Jim : How long you been in Africa? Auora : Four months. Before that Kosovo. The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Auora) about something (the time that she leaves). The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Auora) can give the answer of the speakers (Jim) question. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Auora) to answer the time that she leaves as the answer of his question. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Auora) can answer his question. The sincerity condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes that the hearer (Auora) can answer how long she leaves in Africa. The degree of strength of the utterance shows that the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get the answer from the hearer (Auora). Excerpt. 5 Speech event: Auora is waiting as Jim walks back. Jim: How is he? Auora: They say hell live. The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Auora) about the condition. The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Auora) can give the answer of the speakers (Jim) question. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Auora) to answer the soldier condition as the answer of his question. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Aurora) can answer his question. The sincerity condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes that the hearer (Aurora) can explain How is the soldier now. The degree of strength of the utterance shows that the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get the explanation from the hearer (Aurora). Excerpt. 6 Speech event: They have been walking for twelve hours. Jim has to sit. Jim: How much farther- -? Solomon: One day more. Speech event: He kneels before Jim. The Directive Illocutionary Act is asking and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Solomon) about something (the time). The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Solomon) can give the answer of the speakers (Jim) question. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Solomon) to answer the time that he reached as the answer of his question. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Solomon) can answer his question. The sincerity condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes that the hearer (Solomon) can answer how much farther the place that their reached. The degree of strength of the utterance shows that the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get the answer from the hearer (Solomon). 3.2.2 Commanding There are 3 Commanding Directive Illocutionary Acts that are found in Jims utterances and here is the analysis Excerpt. 7 Speech event: Three cut down trucks of Rebels SQUEAL into view and begin spraying everything with automatic weapons. Jim: Yes or no? Speech event: A whole life can change with a single syllable. Solomon: Yes. Speech event: A truck comes careening around the corner. Jim pushes Solomon as the wall behind them is stitched with bullets. Jim: Go. Go!! Speech event: They begin to run. The Directive Illocutionary Act is commanding and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Solomon) to do something (to run). The mode of achievement of the utterance is shows that the hearer (Solomon) can give the respond to the speakers (Jim) wants. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) is commanding to the hearer (Solomon) for getting what he wants (to run). The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Solomon) can respond his command. The sincerity of condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes to the hearer (Solomon) can achieve his command. The degree of strength of the utterance is shows the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get respond from the hearer (Solomon). Excerpt. 8 Speech event: Jim seizes the moment sending an OPEN-HAND STRIKE to the throat of his would-be executioner, then grabbing the AK-47, and shooting him before ripping the gun out of his hands. Jim : STAY DOWN!! Speech event: Solomon remains flattened behind the tree stump, head down. The Directive Illocutionary Act is commanding and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Solomon) to do something (to stay down). The mode of achievement of the utterance is shows that the hearer (Solomon) can give the respond to the speakers (Jim) wants. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) is commanding to the hearer (Solomon) for getting what he wants. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Solomon) can respond his command. The sincerity of condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes to the hearer (Solomon) can achieve his command. The degree of strength of the utterance is shows the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get respond from the hearer (Solomon). Excerpt. 9 Speech event: Behind them, the jungle erupts with gunfire Solomon throws Dia to the ground. Jim takes cover four mercenaries are advancing. Jim Return Fire, hitting two. The others hit the ground. Jim : MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!!! Speech event: He shoves Solomon and Dia to their feet. The Directive Illocutionary Act is commanding and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) asks to the hearer (Solomon and Dia) to do something (to Move). The mode of achievement of the utterance is shows that the hearer (Solomon and Dia) can gives the respond to the speakers (Jim) wants (to move). The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) is commanding to the hearer (Solomon and Dia) for getting what he wants. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Solomon and Dia) can respond his command. The sincerity of condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) really hopes to the hearer (Solomon and Dia) can achieve his command. The degree of strength of the utterance is shows the speakers (Jim) seriousness to get respond from the hearer (Solomon and Dia). 3.2.3 Requesting There are 2 requesting Directive Illocutionary Acts that are found in Jims utterances and here are the analysis: Excerpt. 10 Speech event: Jim has already begun heading toward Aurora. She sees him coming and watches him walk toward her. They meet in the middle of a crowded dance floor. All around them, sweaty bodies are swaying to the African beat. Aurora : I supposed to kiss you or fuck you? I cant remember. Jim : How about you dance with me? Aurora : Should I ask what happened to your face? Speech event: He takes her hand and leads her into the surging crowd. Aurora : I guess not. Speech event: They dance as best they can in the crush. The Directive Illocutionary Act is requesting and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) request to the hearer (Aurora) to do something (to dance together). The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Aurora) can gives the speaker (Jim) permission to dance. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) request to the hearer (Aurora) to dance together. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Aurora) can meet his request. The sincerity condition of the utterance shows that Jim really hopes that Aurora wants to dance with him. The degree of strength of the utterance show Jims seriousness to asks for Auroras permission. Excerpt. 11 Speech event: Jim smiles Auora: Its a world phone, by the way. Jim: You should get on the plane. Aurora: So should you? Speech event: He smiles and turns away. Aurora: are you going to call me? Jim: soon as Im near a phone. Aurora: Yeah, right. The Directive Illocutionary Act is requesting and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) wants the hearer (Aurora) to do something. The mode of achievement of the utterance is that the hearer (Aurora) can give the speaker (Jim) wants. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) asks the hearer (Aurora) to get on the plane. The preparatory condition of the utterance is that Jim believes that Aurora can do his request. The sincerity condition of the utterance shows that Jim really hopes that Aurora will get on the plane. The degree of strength of the utterance shows Jim s seriousness to ask for Aurora to get on the plane. 3.2.4 Suggesting There are 2 Suggesting Directive Illocutionary Acts that are found in Jims utterances and here is the analysis: Excerpt. 12 Speech event: The troop leader takes out knife and cut into the stitches. The goat squeals a little and kicks angrily. From under the goats skin, he takes a dozen small, rough DIAMONDS. The troop leader draws his .45 on Jim. Troop Leader: You are under arrest for smuggling. Jim: Now you listen here, my man. I am a good friend of Minister Somora. He will not be pleased you have interfered with his business. Speech event: Clearly the name of Minister Samora carries some weight. Jim (contd): You know who I am, dont you? What I am? I dont think you want to mess with me. or my friends, eh? (changes his tack) How about I just look the other way and you pocket one or two of those stone. Buy something nice for the wife. Or maybe the mistress, eh? (Re the shepherds) Whos going to tell? Them? Speech event: The shepherds look, uncertain, from Jim to the Soldier. Troop Leader: No. The Directive Illocutionary Act is suggesting and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) suggest to the hearer (Troop Leader) to do something (to do suggestion). The mode of achievement of the utterance is shows that the speaker (Jim) gives the option to refuse or receive to the hearer (Troop Leader) can not achieve the speakers (Jim) wants. The propositional content of the utterance is that the happiness acts to the hearer (Troop Leader). The speakers (Jim) suggest the hearer to pocket the stone and buy something nice for his wife. The preparatory condition of the utterance is shows that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Troop Leader) can achieve his request. The sincerity of condition of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) really hopes to the hearer (Troop Leader) can achieve his request. The degree of strength of the utterance is shows the speakers (Jim) seriousness to the hearer (Troop Leader) in order to receive his suggestion. Excerpt. 13 Speech event: Jim and Aurora has been talked about himself. Aurora : Somehow I dont take you as the UNICEF type. Speech event: Jim just smiles. Aurora (contd): I was going to say soldier-of- fortune but its such a clichà ©. Jim: How about hired gun. People seem to like that one. Aurora: Diamonds? Jim: what if I told you I was a missionary. Aurora: (Laugh) For Dewente? Jim: Its not just rude to ask those kinds of questions, Ms. Bowen, its also dangerous. Aurora: Ill take my chances.(leans closer) Sotell me about blood diamonds. Speech event: And then, suddenly, Jim gets it. His face turns to stone. The Directive Illocutionary Act is suggesting and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) suggest to the hearer (Aurora) about something. The mode of achievement of the utterance is shows that the speaker (Jim) gives the option to refuse or receive to the hearer (Aurora) can not achieve the speakers (Jim) wants. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speakers (Jim) suggest the hearer (Aurora) to doing what he wants. The preparatory condition of the utterance is shows that the speaker (Jim) believes that the hearer (Aurora) can achieve his request. The sincerity of condition of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) really hopes to the hearer (Aurora) can achieve his request. The degree of strength of the utterance is shows the speakers (Jim) seriousness to the hearer (Aurora) in order to receive his suggestion. 3.2.5 Begging There are 1 Begging Directive Illocutionary Acts that are found in Jims utterances and here is the analysis: Excerpt. 14 Speech event: Looks over at Solomon who has his arm protectively around Dia. The boy looks like the same innocent child he once was. Jim: Take your boy home. Speech event: Solomon looks back at him, tears in his eyes. He nods. In deep and simple gratitude. Jim nods back. Then Jim: Help me. Speech event: He struggles to pick up the machine gun. Solomon puts it into his hands. Jim: Put the strapover my shoulder. Speech event: Solomon helps secure it in place. The Directive Illocutionary Act is Begging and the meanings of the utterance are: The point of illocution of the utterance is that the speaker (Jim) begs the hearer (Solomon) to do something (to take his boy). The mode of achievement of the utterance is shows that the speaker (Jim) wants the hearer (Solomon) to take his boy home. The propositional content of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) is begging to the hearer (Solomon) for getting what he wants. The preparatory condition of the utterance is shows that the speaker (Jim) is begging to the hearer (Solomon) as the effect of his need. The sincerity condition of the utterance shows that the speaker (Jim) is sincere in begging to the hearer (Solomon) because the speaker (Jim) really wants something to the hearer. The degree of strength of the utterance is increasing the speaker (Jim) shows that he really means it in begging to the hearer. 3.2.6 Adjuring There are 1 Adjuring Directive Illocutionary Acts that are found in Jims utterances and here is the analysis: Excerpt. 15 Speech event: The sound of gunfire ECOMOG troops have seen something in the tree-line and have begun exchanging fire. Jim : Hurry it up, folks! Unless you want to end up the same way! Speech event: Solomon cant move, just stares at the boy and mother. The Directive Illocutionary Act is Adjuring and the meanings of the utte Development of the Christian Personality: Theories Development of the Christian Personality: Theories Christian Personality Development: From the Womb to the Tomb Michelle L. Stelly Abstract Research done using various peer-reviewed journal articles, a theory of personality based on Christianity is proposed. Research has shown that all development, including personality, is influenced even prior to conception based on how the future mother takes care of herself prior to implantation. It is necessary for expectant mothers to keep their stress, anxiety and depression at a minimum not just for their own health but the future mental health of their unborn child. It is the parent(s) duty to nurture all facets of the child all the way through adolescence, as prescribed by the Bible. Physical health is equally as important to personality development as mental healthcare. People have times in life when they have an apparent shift in their personality and this is all a part of development. Many have speculated about why one person grew up to one way while another became another. Empirical studies of moral personality development will be continuous to show how using an integrative structure for examining personality can readily unite Christianity and psychology. Keywords: development, infant, mother, Bible, parents Christian Personality Development: From the Womb to the Tomb Personality develops over an entire lifespan and when done according to God’s plan life is much more enjoyable. Canonical correlation analysis showed that â€Å"more religious individuals are healthier in general, which might be supported at least circumstantially by the results reported here. It makes good sense that if people have both a spiritual and a natural essence that these dimensions would be interactive†(Simpson, Newman Fuqua, 2007). Integrating psychology with biblical studies, much like done at Liberty University, will provide guidance of God’s people according to His Word in developing healthy personalities. Foundations of Personality According to Feist, Feist, and Roberts (2013), there are differing definitions of personality and each is dependent upon the theorist’s part of the world, religious experiences, and many from their time as psychotherapists (pp. 3-4). In general, personality can be defined as â€Å"a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior (Roberts Mroczek, 2008)†(Feist, Feist Roberts, 2013, p. 4). In a few ways we are all the same. We all have the same personal inclinations and share a basic nature of being. We all have physical bodies and personalities and we all have thoughts and feelings. Personality is made up of various traits and each arrangement is unalike for every individual. It comes from within the person and usually remains unchanged throughout life. Nature versus Nurture Nature and nurture are both important but not interchangeable. Biology plays a huge role in personality development. Nature is the first influence on personality development as it begins in a person’s DNA. Nurture takes place after birth and is impacted by a person’s environment. Hans J. Eysenck noted three findings as evidence that personality is 75% hereditary and 25% a result of environmental influences (Feist, Feist Roberts, 2013, p. 411). Eysenck noted that research done by Robert R. McCrae and Juri Allik regarding â€Å"the five-factor model of personality across cultures†done in 2002 showed nearly identical personality traits among persons in difference parts of the world such as Uganda, Russia, and Japan (Feist, Feist Roberts, 2013, p. 411). Another piece of evidence from Eysenck’s own 1990 study that showed a â€Å"higher concordance between identical twins than between same-gender fraternal twins reared together†which suggests that heredity plays a dominant role in determining personality differences (Feist, Feist Roberts, 2013, p. 411). Personality develops from birth on. There are certain aspects of human behavior that come from human nature. Humans have natural instincts to find nutritional sustenance, seek out love and affection, and ask for help with the things they cannot do for themselves. From birth until the beginning of school age, which varies from child to child but is usually around age four or five, caretakers may notice certain behavioral traits which may mimic a personality type but essentially no permanent type has yet been established. Starting around age five until around age eleven people begin to develop the dominant personality traits begin to form and it becomes apparent as to how the child learns, such as if they are auditory or visual learners and if they work well in groups on solitary. From around age twelve or thirteen, when they are entering adolescence, traits that support the dominant feature begin to appear: how they make decisions, what they value in life, and their perception of things. Starting around age twenty, adults start to learn how their personality traits fit in with the rest of the world. This becomes very apparent when peers become coworkers rather than fellow students. For some people, sometime between the ages of 35 and 50, people may hit what is called a â€Å"mid-life crisis†because they begin to see facets of their life that they did not develop and feel a strong desire to satisfy these. After around age 50, the personality is more disciplined that those of younger stages and this is usually due to life experiences. The Unconscious. Carl Jung stated â€Å"There are certain events of which we have not consciously taken note; they have remained, so to speak, below the threshold of conscious. They have happened, but they have been absorbed subliminally†(Mlodinow, 2012, p.5). Influences that we are not consciously cognizant of influence our actions. Dream content has been shown to be a reflection of people’s view on religion. Disagreeing with the normal thought that Christianity and science â€Å"inevitably conflict with each other, dreaming offers an area of potential religion–science convergence†(Bulkeley, 2009). View of Self. â€Å"Different aspects of the self emerge in different periods of the lifespan†(Klimstra, 2012). However, once new aspects of the self emerge, existing aspects do not finish growing. Therefore, it is important to consider several aspects of the self. Neuroscientists have performed studies using human brain mapping and have concluded that â€Å"People who endorse individualistic cultural values showed greater MPFC [medial prefrontal cortex] activation to general self-descriptions, whereas people who endorse collectivistic cultural values showed greater MPFC activation to contextual self-descriptions†(Chiao, Harada, Komeda, Li, Mano, Saito, Parrish, Sadato, Iidaka 2009). Personality types. The personality can be assessed using the Myers-Brigs Personality Type Indicator (based on the theories of Carl Jung). According to this instrument, there sixteen personality types made up of four criteria. (E)xtraversion versus (I)ntraverson give a clue of if the person is focused on the outside world or only their inner circles. How they process information by either by way of the five senses (S)ensing or if they look for patterns ntuition. People make decisions by either (T)hinking or by (F)eeling. Finally, the test also measures how people prefer to live in the outside world, structured which is called (J)udging or more flexible, (P)erceiving. An example of personality type would be INFJ who is described as Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their firm values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision (Briggs-Myers, 2013). Progression of Personality Although more research is needed, there has been a link found between depressive as well as anxiety disorders in the mother prior to conception and the onset of depressive disorders and more severe anxiety disorders (Martini, et al., 2013). Progression is expected to flow in a basic manner, beginning in infancy, and personality development progresses based on modeling of caregiver’s examples. By the time the person reaches school age, people begin to progress to the next stage of internalizing all they absorbed in early childhood. Progression to maturity is exhibited by awareness of not only the self but of others and how the two work together. Life has progresses to a deeper meaning. Once a person reaches the last stage of personality progression, development slows down and people become more passive. Dementia is something people fear because it represents personality changes, even at a mild stage, and this change is intimidating, especially to the elderly experiencing it. Motivation People are striving to accomplish self efficacy as a result of their behavior. They decide what they should strive for based upon what will allow for them to satisfy their basic needs for love and acceptance and this can often be caused by how they are taught to internalize as well as environmental factors such as a desire to move out of an impoverished neighborhood. A person is motivated by desiring a sense of security and a lack of pain. â€Å"Motivation at work is not always conditioned by external environment. However, it is more governed by internal worldones own orientation†(Sengupta, 2011). Classroom activity has been shown to have an impact on motivation as well. Students are motivated either by making the best grades possible or doing enough just to not fail. Self-motivation is probably the strongest form of motivation and this is seen in school aged children. People are motivated by control and whether they realize it or not by challenges. Curiosity is a huge motivator as well. Maturation. Maturity happens primarily in adolescence when a child develops a sense of self separate from their parental unit. There are differences between genders as to when this happens and overall girls mature earlier than boys (Klimstra, Hale, III, Raajimakers, Branje Meeus, 2009). Brain mapping had proven useful in this as well. â€Å"Early prefrontal cortex damage has been associated with developmental deficits in social adaptation, moral behavior, and empathy that alter the maturation of social cognition and social emotions†(Eslinger, Robinson-Long, Realmuto, Moll, deOlivera-Souza, Tovar-Moll, Wang, Yang, 2009). Situations that were ambiguously moral activated considerably more prefrontal lobe activity than did routine moral situations, suggesting the biological nature of personality maturation. The frontal polar stimulation does not change with age and the findings further endorse a substantial role for the medial prefrontal cortex in maturation of the moral decision making process. Personality develops greater maturity as the person ages but self-distinction decreases with age. Biblical Integration Many psychological viewpoints say that man cannot change his personality makeup because it is inbred through evolution. Christians know that personality can change because when they become saved they become a new being. The Holy Spirit is able to defy science and creates a Christian personality that exudes holiness, peace, and happiness. Christians have an advantage in personality development because when they see something not progressing to their liking, they can go to the scriptures to learn to deal with their sinfulness. While the Biblical canon does not go precisely into how each family unit is handled, it does give basic rules that empower one to discover what God expects of his followers. One such rule is prescribed in Luke 2:51, â€Å"And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart†(King James Version). The guideline in this section shows that folks are given the power to coordinate, guide, and instruct and their kids by God. If Jesus allowed himself to be guided and heeded the words of his earthly mother and father, then children today need to allow theirs to do the same because this is to be as He was, and that is what people should strive for. There is the issue of original sin where the sin of Adam and Even is passed on to even the current generation as their offspring. Before the person accepts Jesus Christ as their savior, it is much easier to fall into this sinful nature. Once salvation is received, there is no excuse because the person was to have changed. This affects personality because it creates the trait of hypocrisy. While people are still flesh and blood and cannot be perfect, the Bible gives a clear example of a model for personality development: Jesus Christ. It is crucial that parents involve their children in activities that glorify God. Youth have the right to need sensible direction from their parent(s) and that unit is called upon to nurture their kids. That is, to have their backs, to raise them correctly, in the chastening and admonition of the Lord as stated in Ephesians 6:4 (American Standard Version). That is to mean that parents are be imitators of God in the reprimanding or guidance given to children. It is rebuking or disciplining based upon affection and care that forms the personality once the child is out of the womb. Before then, a parent must keep the word close to them to bless the family unit even before it is conceptualized. Conclusion Personality development starts with the mother. Her mental state before and during her pregnancy and create certain personality traits within her child. Once the child is born, it is the parents God given right and duty to nurture that child in a way that is fitting to God’s path. The home situation, the parental interaction as well as the relationship the child has with the family’s church plays a role in the nurture portion of personality while the traits one picks up during personality development and self-actualization becomes their nature. When a child reaches school age they begin to separate themselves with their parents in that they develop their own identity. It is important that they still have a strong relationship with God because He is the only one that can keep an eye on them all day, every day. When a person reaches the age to move out of their family home and embark on life’s adventures, they are still developing. They are learning just how strong their legs are for them to stand on. It is important for parents not to pick them up every time the fall so that they learn to rely on Jesus. Even until death, the human personality is still evolving. People become more set in their ways as they get older and often grow to dislike the youth and the world around them. The only time the personality stops growing is when the person becomes a nonbeing, be it through disability, coma, or death. Only with such a sturdy footing can buoy the load of the weight of personality development. Without the Bible as a foundation, the edifice would simply breakdown. Through it all, it is imperative there is a strong foundation based on God’s principles. References Briggs-Myers, I. (2013). Retrieved from Bulkeley, K. (2009). The religious content of dreams: A new scientific foundation. Pastoral Psychology, 58(2), 93-106. doi: 10.1007/s11089-008-0180-8 Chiao, J. Y., Harada, T., Komeda, H., Li, Z., Mano, Y., Saito, D., Parrish, T. B., Sadato, N., Iidaka, T. (2009). Neural basis of individualistic and collectivistic views of self. 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